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HP hard drive

Data Recovery Hard Drive

This HP hard drive data recovery now the drive we are going to try and recover the data from is this laptop hard drive now when  you’re repairing a hard drive the first thing to do is have a listen to how it  sounds because that can tell a lot about what’s actually wrong with it so let’s  plug this into an external drive enclosure and see what kind of sound it  makes so as you can hear that does not sound very promising for our little hard  drive now to me it sounds like it’s having trouble spinning up this is what  a hard drive should sound like and this clearly did not sound like that so what that says to me is that perhaps the  motor has gone but I think the more likely reason for it not spinning up is  that the hard drive heads have gotten stuck on the hard drive platter which is  preventing it from starting to spin so the first thing you can try is hit it  sideways onto a table surface you can  try it whilst it’s trying to spin up  because it can actually help to get the  heads loose but this can obviously cause damage.

 I stress and only do it if you  can’t afford data recovery so that’s the  first thing you can try and if that doesn’t work what you can try doing is  what this video is actually going to be about which is opening the drive and  moving the heads off the platters manually so to open a drive you need a  set of Torn screwdriver bits and a screw  driver obviously so the first thing to  do is just select a screw driver bit  that actually fits your screws in most  laptop drives this is t6 so that’s the  drew screw driver bit I’m going to use  and  we can begin just to remove this top  cover okay so before we start opening  this drive up I must stress that if  you’re planning and doing this at home that you are doing it under your own  risk because I’m not a hard drive technician or anything I’m just sharing  my experiences with opening up drives  and restoring the data from them okay so  with that out of the way let’s begin  opening this up now you’ve probably  heard that opening a drive in anything  but a cleanroom causes the drive to be  destroyed basically and there is kind of  truth in this but I’m not sure how much  of it is true because I think some of it  is just sort of like scare stories  spread by data recovery centres so that  they get more sort of business but it is  true that you do want to keep just  landing inside here to a minimum because  I suppose it can interfere with the  heads reading the data but I don’t think  it causes anything to be destroyed it just interferes really and so when you are opening your pure drive just make sure that you try and keep it as clean.

As possible and before you put the lid  back on just blow on it just to make  sure that any dust that has landed on it  has been blown off but if there are some  leftover bits of dust these are likely  to fly off the platter when it’s the  when the hard drive is turned on by both  centrifugal force and by the draft this  caused when it’s on and there is a  little filter which I’ll point out later which does catch stray particles so it’s  not too much of an issue but if you are  really concerned about stray particles  landing on the platter compromising data  what you can do is make a clean air and  closure which is basically just a box a  fan and a filter and you can open the  drive in there I might make a video  later at some point on how to make one  of these clean air enclosures and but it  does just depend on the demand because it’s a bit of a niche  thing to sort of want really anyway so  once you’ve gotten all the screws undone  there is usually one last screw under the sticker and you can usually find it  by scratching the surface with your fingernail until you find an indentation and then once you find it you can stick  your screwdriver do the sticker and undo  it that way so let’s take a look and if  our theory was correct the hard drive  head should be on the platter which it  is so as you can see the hard drive head  is in the middle of the platter and it  should actually be parked just here  which it clearly is not so what we can  try and do is manually push this into the parked position so to do this I’m  going to use a little hook which is  actually just a dental thing and what we  need to do is just turn the hard drive  platters whilst we are pulling on the  head just to reduce the stress so always  turn it counter clockwise as that will  ensure that you don’t pull the heads  underneath the actual head unit so I’ve  just I’m just going to use the  screwdriver because there is a screw in the centre spindle so we can just turn  this and pull on the head.

There we go as you could hear that  sounded like they were really stuck so I have no idea whether this  drive is actually going to work after  being so stuck just check the drive for  any big particles and it seems okay so  we’ll just put the lid back on and by  the way this is the little filter I was  talking about and this catches any  particles that might have landed on the  hard drive platter so we’ll just put the  lid back on and see whether it works so  now that the hard drive is back together  let’s get the hard drive caddy and look  at it and just see if it starts spinning  and whether it is detected by the  operating system and it’s worth noting  that I do have disk management open so  that we can see whether the drive is detected by the computer because  sometimes it might have an incompatible drive letter.Hard Disk Data Recovery Services | HDD Data Recovery | Now Data Recovery  Bangalore India

Then wouldn’t be mounted so we’ve just got disk  management open so that we can see all  drives that are connected to the system  so let’s turn it on and hopefully let’s  go spin up oh my goodness there it is  there’s the drive two hundred thirty two  gigabytes detected and successfully  working so we’ll just add a drive letter  to it and hopefully all the data will be  accessible so I’ve just added the drive  letter to one of the partitions as you  saw and here are the files all on that  drive so hopefully I’ll be able to get  all these off but it does look like they  are accessible see if we can go into a desktop and everything so I’ll just  start these transferring so now that we’ve got all the data off what I’m  going to do is just run error scan of the entire surface of the drive just so  that we can see how much of it actually is damaged and how much is still usable  so we’ll just start it off right.

As you can see the scan is detecting a few damaged inaccessible sectors now I think  that these have been caused by the head  actually making contact with the platters rather than particles that were  let into the drive because it really was  quite stuck so I’m actually quite  surprised it’s not worse than this but  it’s just worth noting that the data  percent of damaged blocks is only two percent which means that even if it was  100 percent full 98 percent of the data  would be able to be recovered which is  it’s a decent number.

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