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CLIMB! 6 Things You’d Love to Do When You Reach the Mountain Peaks

Mountain climbing is one of the most refreshing adventures one could take on. It carries loads of health benefits aside from the unmatched bliss it gives. The excitement and anticipation of what you will see on top of the mountains when you reach it is beyond words.

There are countless reasons why people choose to climb mountains. Some do it for fun and leisure. Others are yearning to step into thrilling ventures. Many individuals hike to see the world’s overwhelming splendor from high grounds. Some find the activity essential for their overall health. Most people simply fall in love with the beauty of mountain climbing, including all the challenges it presents before the rewarding summit is reached, so they climb for that reason.

Whatever your main reason is for wanting to hike, know that you can make your mountain climbing experience extraordinary. How? By thinking of something awesome to do when you land on the highest point! Just standing up there would be fine, but the event would be a hundred times more unforgettable if you got some creative juices to squeeze. Right? Right.

To help you figure out what to do, check out these friendly suggestions. Below are 6 things you’d love to do when you reach the mountain peaks. They include safety tips as well. Take notes, and enjoy!


Many go on camping trips to unwind and breathe in fresh air. There’s something healing about them that makes these trips an avenue of comfort for exhausted people, for those who are weary inside and out. 

Why not take these restorative trips to another level? Well, literally to another LEVEL; this time it could be above sea level! Pitch a tent and camp on the tip of the mountain. Sereneness and hush will snuggle you in the most revitalizing ways. Five-star hotel accommodation and fancy boutique hotels have no match to the kind of rest and solace you will get from a mountaintop camping.

Of course, you can only do this if it is safe and allowed to do so. Besides tents and sustenance, sleeping bags, foldable chairs and water heater are some essentials you must not forget to bring.

When you plan to put up a tent and camp on the mountaintop, just a little reminder to pull your senses together when you get too mesmerized about the place. Why? Because you might want to just stay there forever!  


Bring and set up a standalone hammock.

Do this after asking the management, so you will know if it’s safe and suitable on the specific mountain of your choice. If you do not inquire first, you might just waste your effort in bringing a hammock because it can’t be used there. The peak might be too narrow for hammocks.

On the other hand, in case you are allowed to take and use one there, make sure to situate the hammock in the middle or in an area far from steep portions of the mountain. You don’t want anyone sitting on the hammock to get into an accident just because of an unavoidable mistake. Also, avoid being too playful with it, especially with your companions. Don’t push the hammock too hard. The possibility of accidents as high as that mountain. Be very cautious and mindful.   


Is there any life event coming up? Set your pre-event photo shoots up there. Just in case you don’t want to come really prepared with a full outfit and all, then let your shoot have a casual mountain climbing theme.

Pre-nuptial? Pre-debut? Pre-graduation? Pre-birthday? Whatever it is, if you have other preferred plans on the exact dates of your occasions, then use the glory of mountain top scenery for the days before them. What a heartwarming thing it is that the alluring pinnacle becomes a witness to your happiness, even before the day of the main reasons why.

Without a doubt, this makes your milestones more special and remarkable!


Are you brave enough for a jump shot on the mountain top? This is going to be an achievement unlocked if you do it because not everyone is willing to actually do it. Many are scared because they might land on the foot of the mountain before they know, uh-oh.

But of course, if you will do this, just like for the hammock’s conditions, you have to be very careful! Do not be playful, and do not be too risky. Showing off too much might bring you harm, so just enjoy without putting yourself in danger. Take your jump shots with caution. Stay away from steep areas and very rocky surfaces. Make sure to land your feet where you jumped from. You know what that means. 


Taking photos and videos are inevitable when you arrive at the peak. It’s not exactly a sin to forget it, but sometimes, you can consider it as such. Who misses getting a snapshot of the breathtaking views on and from the mountaintop?! No one.

An upgraded version of the photographs and recordings you can take up there is a sky timelapse. The spectacular skyline from the summit’s viewpoint is too gorgeous. See the clouds move freely like giant cotton balls you’d want to hug. Witness the sun rays blazing through the immeasurable yonder. If you get the chance to stay long for the sunrise or sunset, you are blessed. How the firmament’s hues and shades change is not a surprise, but have you seen it from a mountain’s pinnacle? It’s unbelievable! 

Capture all these and more marvels through a timelapse video to save the wonderful moments of the shifting sky right in front of your eyes. Of course, don’t just look at your camera lenses and screens; cherish the golden moment by living in it.   


First-time mountain climbers often do this as soon as they succeed to the top. They scream! Not for ice cream but to release all the heaviness out of their chests.

It’s not everyday that you get the chance to freely shout your worries away. It’s not so easy to get up that tiring mountain. If you have some heartaches and headaches long being kept in the closets of your life, this may seem like nothing to some but shouting on the mountain’s summit actually helps relieve pain. Yes, even for a little while, it really does.

You cannot do it at home because it feels weird and because you’re afraid that people will judge you? You might prefer the mountaintop then. There are no walls and no ceilings. The sky’s the limit, and it’s even truer up there. Do not hesitate to just let loose all the sadness, anxieties and burdens through the current of air. You can even cry if you want. Doing these actually help one to lighten up the loads of the heart.

Just remember to tell your friends before you do this because you might startle them. Better, make screaming your lungs out as part of your squad’s to-do list on your mountaintop mission! It’s going to be fun, soothing and wholesome for every one of you! After all, mountain climbing is therapeutic.



People have different ways to pump up an already reinvigorating mountain climbing adventure! And the ones mentioned above are just some great recommendations that won’t fail you.

You might not want to just plainly arrive up there without making the magical moment colorful. Since you’re there, why not seize the time by adding some more delight to it. Aside from the magnificent views to see, these pleasant activities will sprinkle spectacle to your experience! That’s for sure. 


Nicole Ann Pore is a writer, an events host and a voice over artist. Quality and well-researched writing is her worthwhile avenue to enlighten and delight others about things that matter. She is a daytime writer for Holiday Inn Parramatta Hotel, a five-star hotel in Parramatta, New South Wales which provides a rewarding stay and a close reach of Australia’s noteworthy features. Nicole graduated Cum Laude from De La Salle University Manila, Philippines with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Arts.

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