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green peas farming

Everything You Should Know About Green Peas Farming in India

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Green peas are among the most liked vegetables in the world. They are delicious, nutritious, and can be prepared easily. Moreover, farmers enjoy planting green peas since they take a short period to mature and fetch a good price in the market. If you want to learn more about green peas farming and how they are produced, keep reading this guide.

Why Are Green Peas Important?

Green peas are nutrient-dense. They are good sources of vitamins A, C, and K. Protein, fiber, and antioxidants, among others, help maintain body health. The best thing is that green peas can be eaten fresh, frozen, or dried. Most people use them for soups, salads, and curries.

Besides the health benefits, green peas are also soil-friendly. They fix nitrogen in the soil, making it more fertile. For this reason, green peas can be a good crop for crop rotation.

Ideal Weather Conditions for Growing Green Peas

To grow green peas, some conditions need to be met. Some of the essential requirements are discussed below:

  • Climate: Green peas grow well during cool weather. The ideal temperature ranges between 10°C and 25°C.
  • Soil: Green peas love well-drained, sandy loam soil. The soil pH ranges between 6.0 and 7.5.
  • Water: Peas require moderate watering, especially at the time of flowering and pod formation.

Green Peas Farming Processes:

Land Preparation

Before everything, soil has to be prepared. The field should be ploughed to loosen and aerate the soil. This makes the roots grow strongly. It is highly helpful if one uses a tractor to plough and level the land. By using a tractor, you can efficiently prepare the soil for green peas. Additionally, weeds and other unwanted plants should be removed from the soil. Applying organic compost or farmyard manure enhances the fertility of the soil.

Choosing the Right Seeds

Buy disease-resistant, high-quality seeds. One should always source seeds from a reputable source. Before sowing, some farmers apply fungicides on the seeds to prevent diseases.

Sowing Time

Sow at the right time. The winter season is normally the best planting time for green peas. Prepare rows in the field, and sow the seeds 3-5 cm deep. Plant 10-15 cm apart within a row and 30-40 cm between rows for proper spacing that will allow growth without overcrowding.

Irrigation Techniques

Immediately water the field after sowing. However, green peas don’t like water much, so watering should not be excessive. Irrigation must be done with techniques such as drip irrigation or sprinklers to use water effectively. The crop will require more water during flowering and pod development.

Weed Management

Weeds can affect the growth of green peas. Thus, the field has to be cleaned regularly. Some farmers use hand tools for weeding, while others use herbicides. Safety guidelines have to be followed when chemicals are used.

Pest and Disease Control

Pests can include aphids, caterpillars, and pod borers. Some diseases are powdery mildew and root rot. The ways to control it are natural sprays like neem oil and chemical sprays to prevent the damage. Furthermore, monitoring these fields helps track the early indication of pests or diseases.

Harvest Time

Green peas usually mature in 50-90 days, depending on the variety. Harvest is typically done when pods are full grown but still tender. Avoid pod over-maturation since it leads to a loss in quality.

Normally, farmers will harvest green peas by hand, which prevents them from damaging their plants. Some farmers will be required to make multiple harvests because the pods will mature at different times.

Post Harvesting Stage

One should pack and sort the harvested green peas after the harvesting process is complete. Sorting eliminates the damaged or overripe peas. Packing is necessary to maintain freshness. Large-scale farmers can use modern equipment, such as a Sonalika tractor with a trailer, to transport the produce to the market quickly and efficiently.

Some farmers freeze green peas and sell them later. This helps keep their quality along with the taste that they carry. Others dry the peas and store them for use later.

Why Should You Grow Green Peas?

There are several advantages of growing green peas for farmers:

  • Good Market Demand: Green peas are always in demand, particularly during the winter season.
  • Improves Soil Health: As stated above, peas fix nitrogen in the soil, which reduces the need for chemical fertilisers.
  • Short Growing Period: Green peas grow very quickly, which enables farmers to make profits within a short period.
  • Crop Rotation: Peas are a fantastic crop to produce before or even after cereals like wheat.

Final Words

Green peas are an excellent crop for farmers and consumers alike. They are healthy, delicious, and good for the environment. Through proper farming techniques, farmers can produce quality green peas and get good returns. If soil preparation is done using tractors and produce transportation is done using Sonalika tractors, farming will be easy and more efficient. If you decide to grow green peas, start preparing today and reap the benefits of this fantastic crop.

About Post Author

Anurag Rathod

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