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google strategy


Much has been made of Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Linkedin as a source of traffic, but the truth of the matter is that  Google remains the undisputed king.  While you shouldn’t completely abandon your efforts to attract visitors from other sources, if your blog is primarily written with the goal of getting more people interested in your content, your strategy should focus on Google.

Now, if your goal with blogging is to get visitors, reinforce  your personal brand, and position yourself as an  expert in your niche,  other media such as video and audio can help a lot. In such cases, you will get a reasonable amount of hits, but not as many if exploiting Google, your social media efforts would be more than justified by its other benefits to your  personal brand.

Let’s see what are  the keys to an effective strategy  to attract Google-based visitors.


As you can see in the image taken from Google Analytics, the blog had more visits from Google, visits from Google represent 51.22% of visits in the last week. Traffic from other media represents 28% of the total, so it’s important to focus your strategy on Google.


Many believe that the simple act of writing will make Google index your content and thus your visits will increase exponentially. Not even a little. There are a number of factors for this to occur. Although we are not the exact science, since in all blogs this is also a mixture of art, so I will give you some tips on how to focus your strategy on Google.

Visit :


Content comes first.  We all spend some time connected to social networks, but don’t let it consume too much time, what will increase visits to your blog is new content, so it’s essential to focus your work on research and types of content for readers .

Persistence in effort and perseverance in publication.  Nobody said they just went to write and the visitors started to come in. Otherwise, they would all have thousands of monthly visitors. If you want your blog to have thousands of visits (goal) try hard, study hard, be patient. Great part of the blogs die in the first 3 months of their creation.

Last week I had a little problem that took me to the hospital for a week. Many of you may have noticed the lack of updating of the blog, well I also noticed and a lot, as I had changed the domain, the lack of updating contributed to the loss of some positions for the keyword focus of this blog. That’s why it’s important to always keep the blog updated, because visitors will thank you and Google will too.

If you want a Google-based strategy, you have to focus your efforts on publishing content consistently despite the adversities that you may encounter in your path. Yes, I know, it sounds very peliculero, but it’s the truth. Most of the success stories in the blogosphere are  consistency and other factors like : quantity, quality, originality and innovation, diversification and never surrendering in the face of adversity.

  • Blogging is not a sprint, but a marathon.  Here you don’t “win ” in the first few months, but they are essential to reinforce your strength, but, month after month, the effort and consistency in the frequency of publication will start to pay off. Ideally, set the amount of items you can write and publish without feeling pressured. Always think long term. I can keep this in about a month, two… A year? Whatever your choice, avoid posting without a continuous effort, don’t feel obligated to post every day, at least 3 times is enough. Otherwise you will end up burning yourself or abandoning the blog or, worse, you will end up harming your social life and even your health.
  • The value doesn’t matter.  The bigger the net, the bigger the fish you can catch. While quality service is by far the best way to attract visitors to your page is by creating and publishing the best posts on your blog.
  • Write about topics of interest  There are two ideas here:  (1).  Write about things of interest to others, and  (2)  explore keyword phrases by searching Google. This means that if you target your messages with keywords that are underexplored, you will achieve your purpose of attracting visitors.  Don’t miss the hen that lays golden eggs.   .

Example:  Imagine that a good phrase you want to use your articles for is: web designer.

A  derivative  is a  key phrase  that contains the original phrase but also adds an element to the object. A keyword phrase derived from the phrase above could be: design websites, web design tips, etc.

The  semantics of keyphrases  is that they don’t contain any originals, but the keyphrase that means more or less the same thing or something similar. For example, in our case it would be semantic phrases, among others, the following: web development, web designer, graphic designer, graphic design blogs, web design Brazil, online design, etc.

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Long  tails  are now the best way to use keywords. For those who still don’t know what translated into Portuguese means “long tail” and they are actually “key phrases” instead of isolated words. It’s much easier, or less difficult to find less crowded long tails than loose keywords, so it’s a great  SEO strategy  for your blog or website.

Now  think: What key phrases are you targeting?

  • Diversify. Don’t harm yourself, don’t always use the same phrases. So you’ll be showing Google that your site is rich in content in repeated content. Find balance in word searches.
  • A basic knowledge of SEO helps.  Obviously, the more you know about learning about SEO, the better, but a minimal well-founded foundation will suffice for the first few months of activity.


There are many online tools and “tricks” for finding good keyword combinations that you can target. Here are some that are free. There are also excellent quality paid tools, but I believe that people reading this article are interested in free tools.

  • In Google Analytics, you have an overview of all the searched keywords that led to visits to your website.
  • On Google when you type in the search box, the search engine makes suggestions in real time to complete what you type. With these tips you can see the things people are looking for.
  • The Keyword Research Tool allows you to search for keyword phrases related to the terms you mentioned and also tells you how many searches (callsign) you get per month and how much competition you have


When we talk about  content  , we immediately think of articles, texts, posts, comments, etc. However, we must optimize our content and publish it in different  formats:  Like  videos, audio and images. Each person likes to choose the one that best suits their needs. By publishing in a variety of formats, our content will more easily spread across social media, increasing our brand’s distribution channels.

This allows us to:

  • Reach specialized search engines,
  • increase visibility,
  • Gain inbound links from social networks
  • Improve the positioning of our blog or website
  • We will continue to be a reference in our area,
  • Gain more traffic and get more readers or potential customers
  • Increase our presence in the 2.0 conversation.

You can  go to other blogs belonging to your niche and look at the keywords they are using: look at their titles (especially their most popular posts), at the permalinks, at the sentence that appears if you hover your mouse pointer about the first photo, etc. I hope today’s tips will help you  design and execute your strategy to conquer Google.  Don’t obsess over SEO, but at least try to learn as much as you can, design a simple strategy to capture Google traffic and keep it consistently.

Any questions or comments can do so below. Do you already have a strategy to attack Google’s fort?