You might consider overseas education once you have cleared 12th from cbse schools in pune, but things don’t begin or end there because there are several other things to consider. The thought to study abroadstresses several students as the application process is quite lengthy and complicated. Furthermore, the students don’t need to stress as the study abroad consultant has got their back. The experts can help you avoid some common mistakes and also allow you to explore various opportunities. You should consider studying abroad after the 12th from cbse schools in pune, as you can access a world of possibilities where you can learn a lot by interacting with multiple students from different cultures. Some of the common mistakes students make while applying for overseas educationare:
- Lacking research- one of the biggest challenges for several students is to complete the investigation. One of the most common signs which shows that you lack research is that you know only about some universities, and you haven’t even researched well on other topics or financial aid and scholarships. Under your study, you need to learn well about the facilities available on the campus, weather and location, and other things. The best part is that you can head to the internet and you can get all the info with a click of a button. It would be best if you went through the websites of all the universities you have shortlisted so you can know about all the details.
- Not asking the right questions at the right time- The main reason why you need to hire a study abroad consultant is that you might not be aware of the rules and regulations of various countries, but these experts are. Furthermore, even if you don’t hire an expert, you should ensure that you clear all your doubts. Besides that, almost all foreign universities have one counsellor who advises all the international students. But most students don’t even know about the foreign counsellor. Hence it is advisable to write to your chosen university if you have any doubt or questions instead of just searching it online. There are many links available in several universities once you click on them, you contact the admission counsellor. You can send an email to a student group if the university doesn’t offer any counsellor for your help. Hence there are high chances that the counsellor will help you find answers to all your queries.
- Failing to plan in time- the admission process abroad is way different from the Indian admission process as it is not that streamlined. Furthermore, you need to know all universities have different rules for admission. But there are several universities that accept applications throughout the year, but there are some universities that accept applications only within a given deadline. Hence you should be prepared mentally to adjust to everything that lies ahead. Additionally, an education counsellor can help you with the admission process but cannot help you with visa issues. Hence it would be best if you prepared for the visa way ahead. Above all, you must maintain your calm.
- Ignoring the post-arrival stage- your planning doesn’t cease once you bag an admission or visa, so you need to plan for student life and how you would live once you arrive in the foreign country. You should do some research on internships and professors and contact the career cell at best schools in Mumbai.