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5 Sustainable Habits for Domestic Air Travel

For many of us, the idea of flying domestically is something that we take for granted. It’s not uncommon to have a flight booked with no thought about how it will affect our carbon footprint. But if you care about sustainability, then this article is for you. Sustainability is essential for many reasons, one of which is the effect flying has on the environment. When looking to reduce your carbon footprint, the flight should be considered. Passengers can do many small things to lessen their impact when traveling by air.

Choose a Nonstop Flight Whenever Possible

One of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint when flying is to choose a nonstop flight instead of one with many stops. This reduces the fuel needed for your trip and emits less CO₂ into the atmosphere. If there is no nonstop option available for your desired route, consider flying out of a smaller airport using a private jet charter in New Jersey if that’s where you are located. These airports have shorter runways. They require less take-off and landing time since planes don’t need to use as much fuel to get off the ground.

Bring your Food and Drinks

Airlines are notorious for serving unhealthy, high-carbon foods like beef and lamb. By bringing your food instead, you can control what you eat while also reducing the amount of waste produced on board. Packaged snacks like granola bars or trail mix are a great option, as they can be stored in your carry-on bag. And if you’re feeling thirsty, bring a reusable water bottle to fill up once you’ve passed through security.

If you’re buying a seat with an airline with assigned seating, purchase something before boarding. Domestic flights usually have some onboard snacks and drinks. But they can be overpriced, especially for those watching their wallets. Buying your food or beverages beforehand will save you money after the flight and help reduce the cost of fuel. Why? Because airlines use less energy when planes aren’t stocked up with supplies.

Bring Your Reusable Water Bottle

One of the best ways to save money while flying is by bringing a reusable water bottle with you onboard; this way, you can fill up once you’ve passed through security and stay hydrated throughout your flight. Thus, wasting no plastic or aluminum would otherwise end up in landfills after being used.

Suppose you don’t want to deal with emptying liquids before going through security. Consider bringing an empty refillable container, which can be filled once past the checkpoint. Pack it full of ice when checking bags so that it’s nice and cold for drinking right away. You’ll also get bonus points if this container is made of materials like bamboo or glass, which can be recycled.

Fly at Off-peak Hours and Pick a Seat on the Window

If you can, try to fly during the middle of the day or early in the morning instead of the evening rush hour. This is because planes use more fuel when taking off and landing during peak hours due to increased air traffic. Off-peak flying also is cheaper—so if you’re flexible with your travel dates, it’s a great way to save some money while reducing your carbon footprint.

Although most airlines are now charging passengers extra for window seats, there is a reason they are one of the first few options available when booking flights online. They reduce cabin pressure within the plane because of their location near emergency exits. As long as you don’t need aisle access, choosing a seat next to an exit can help avoid adverse health effects at high altitudes.

Buy Carbon Offsets

This may be one of the more controversial suggestions, but it’s important to remember that climate change is a global issue, and you can’t do everything yourself. By flying once domestically, you’ve contributed to your share of emissions. Thus, consider paying for additional emission reductions elsewhere to balance things out. Many companies sell these kinds of “carbon offsets,” which essentially allows them to invest in sustainable projects such as renewable energy or reforestation programs instead.

Final Thoughts

Flying domestically can be a massive contributor to your carbon footprint. But by following these five simple tips, you can make it more sustainable. Remember that every bit helps, and you can make a difference.

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