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20KW diesel generators

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Diesel Generators

When choosing a backup power supply, it’s necessary to consider the intended operating conditions, a possible load and a number of other factors. For this reason, let’s have a look at the main advantages and disadvantages of diesel generators.

The advantages of diesel generators

Diesel generators have a lot of advantages. Let’s have a look at some of them:

  • A wide range of selection based on the power: You can find 2-3KW, 20KW diesel generators, as well as 3000 KW diesel generators.
  • The efficiency of modern diesel generators reaches 70-80%, for other types of generators, this indicator is still unattainable.
  • Diesel generators are characterized by less fuel consumption. Besides, diesel costs less than, for example, gasoline.
  • Diesel generators showed perfect performance with a load in the range of 50-90% of the permissible.
  • Practice has shown that the average motor working time till the capital restoration is 20-30 thousand hours, and this indicator is even higher for individual models.
  • It’s known that diesel generators are more fireproof.
  • Due to the fact that they can work for a long time without stopping, diesel generators can also serve as a main source of electricity.

Diesel generators vs other generators

Now, let’s compare the advantages and disadvantages of diesel and other types of generators. If we compare the main indicators of these types of generators based on the fuel type, then we will get such a picture:

  • For generators with gasoline engines, the efficiency is characterized within 25-30%. The output power usually does not exceed 15-18 kW, while each will require 350-400 grams of fuel. The most advanced generators do not exceed 2500-3000 hours of work, and the service itself will cost more.
  • On the other hand, gas generators are mainly represented by industrial models from 200 kW, the choice of is significantly limited. The efficiency of devices usually does not exceed 35-40% at expenses for each kilowatt obtained about 0.4-0.5 cubic meters of gaseous fuel. The installation of such types of generators has more stringent requirements, in addition, it is required to connect to a highway or arrangement of a large amount of gas.

Disadvantages of diesel generators

Here are disadvantages of diesel generators:

  • Diesel generators are objectively more expensive than gasoline versions, but this is compensated with a long-term operation and reduced operational costs. Besides, gas generators’ installations require even greater initial investments;
  • Compared to other versions of types of generators, diesel generators are much noisier, however, you can find super-silent diesel generators in the market.
  • Gasoline generators are considered the most compact, but do not forget that these are low-power generators.

As you can see, diesel generator sets in many indicators are superior to other types of generators. But it is worth understanding that when choosing a generator, it is necessary to analyze the alleged operating conditions in detail, your business or house electrical needs, the power you will need, will it serve as a backup or main source of electricity, and many other factors.