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Carlson Gracie BJJ

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu – A brief Introduction Part2

 As I have written a basic introduction about Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in my first parts, now let’s move to the next part. I hope you enjoyed it. Let’s Start. 

When you do something with someone whether you end up living in a war, or training hard physically that you may be injured in anything, but you are also very close, it is a different kind of social concept, a different kind. social relations so I often tell people that the local team I train with is the closest to the kind of friendship I had in the military. Being a woman doesn’t mean anything because you go in and put on your gear and tie your belt and you can leave everything else with you and everyone else leaves their worries.

Back and forth that’s just what you share, with these people just, creates this sister-brotherhood where you feel like they have your back. I come in here and Master Jean bows to me, and shakes my hand, and bows to other people and shakes my hand. It’s all about respect in this place and it’s all about honesty and brotherhood. I was bullied at school, bullied everywhere I went. 

I was a small child but a big target. the youngest person has a target on his back. They are an easy choice. They cannot defend themselves, and there is nothing they can do about it. I would say after 2 weeks of training, you could say it was my thing. I loved the game, I fell in love with everyone here, my Kimura colleagues, they all helped me through it all. This is the world champion of the future, right here I love this game because a kid like me can use art to beat a man twice as big as my size. That’s what I love about jiu jitsu. Some people call it the kimono, in Brazil they call it the kimono, here they call it gi. So the upper part, like a coat, has a collar and sleeve. 

And the pants you have, that’s the uniform. And he has a belt. He fights gi because BJJ was created with gi. So there is no other way for you to learn BJJ if you are not on the gi. Okay? Many people today because of MMA, no-gi competitions, tough competitions, trying to sell BJJ without gi, trying to sell, will learn BJJ in MMA class. That is not true. To learn pure BJJ, you have to use gi, because it was created with gi, and there are many steps involved when inserting your gi. This is not the case, see. No. You have to get used to it … go through it … you will get used to it. 

Look. Look. Look. Bamba. Is there anything wrong with that? No. But it is not BJJ. What you can do is take off your gi and train without it. And if you get used to the gi, you have no problem taking off your gi and fighting without it. But if you learn BJJ no gi, you will never be able to fight the real BJJ with gi. Carlson Gracie BJJ is not mixed with fighting, and mixed martial arts, it is often used on the road, it is often used in competitions, MMA tournaments, but gi, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, is very controlled, and at a competitive level I. 

I would say your heart it is a strategy, a game of chess, the pursuit of lifelong success or expertise in this incredibly complex art that you cannot achieve, and years of training you get only the best in a few games. , you want to be better and better at something, and it’s just a continuous effort to get to know as much as you can but you can’t get there. the goal for BJJ is to lower the opponent and look at your post. That’s always the point. They click because if they tap they will break their arm. If they tap they will break the shoulder. If they tap, they will faint. So they should click on the strings If you are caught in the arm bar, shoulder lock, knee bar, foot lock, they should tap. That is what they learn in school.

 The first thing you need to learn – how to touch so you don’t get hurt. I compete because I want to see where I meet other people who train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I love the rush you get when you fight. If I step on a mat, win or lose, you learn a lesson. Either I made a big mistake, and that’s why I lost, or I was lucky and that’s why I won. But all in all, you read the lesson all the time. In the competition, you compete based on belt, weight and age, and gender. There are many ways to earn points. One way is to lower the opponent. If you throw him down it will be 2 points. If you pass your guards, it will be 3 more points. If you mount, 4 points more. If you take it back, 4 points more. But there is only one way to overcome all the points, which is to move.

 If you move your opponent, if you make him tap, then the fight is over. I compete for many reasons, I compete to test myself, I challenge myself, I keep humble, but I also compete with the school, because I believe we are a team. The team made me who I am and gave me all my skills, everyone I train with, representing the team first and foremost. Only 30% of our school is competitive. We are not forcing anyone here to go to the tournament. 

If they want to, we are here to help them go, and to make them win. But they do not have a BJJ exercise competition. The best parts of the BJJ for me would be loyalty and family ties. He knows everyone on a personal level, and everyone knows it. And everyone in this place feels like a family to you. Try to think about fighting if you are doing any such exercise. Some of the biggest things I found in jiu jitsu … confidence, which I would say is one of the biggest. Just knowing that I have strength, the way I am, and I am happy about it. It gave me a place to exercise wearing a gi, where I didn’t have to think about how my body looked. It made me more aware of my body, but in a more powerful way. I had never thought of my body like this before. I would say it gives me mental, mental, physical discipline.

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