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Can Ducks See Colors?

Have you ever thought or wondered if ducks could see different colors?, then you should read this article to the end.
Many people, including me are very curious to know how some of the animals around us see, if they do see things the way we do or differently.

I have observed 2 ducks strolling and they were walking perfectly well on a marked road, I begin to wonder if these birds could actually see those markings.

Well, ducks do see colors, but the only difference is that they do not see colors the way you and I see them. They have the unique ability to see different colors like reds, greens, yellows and blue more vibrantly and with more intensity than humans.

This is this is due to their retinas and an extra set of cones which allows them to see ultraviolet radiation.
 no doubt, Ducks are nice birds with good eyesight, and their eyesight is extremely good and these are some of the characteristics that make them fly higher in the air than some other birds.

According to research, ducks can see two to three times farther than most humans can see.
This is because of their powerful muscles that control the curvature of their corneas and lenses.
Unlike in the human eye, where only the lens can adjust, it is a lot different for ducks.

This remarkable adaptation is the reason why a duck’s vision is very powerful and one of it’s strongest senses.
A duck can see way farther than it can hear making them very powerful birds in flight.

Another thing to note is that ducks have their eyes located on either sides of their heads which gives them a nearly 360 degrees vision.

And also the shape of their eyes ensures that they see clearly things that are far away.

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If you can make out just a day studying or hunting ducks, you’ll definitely discover that their eyesight is second to none!. They can pick out even the most hidden things like insects. They’ll flare off the simplest of movements, and they have an uncanny ability to see and land with a lone real duck instead of your dozens of decoys.
So what makes waterfowl vision so exceptional?

Cones and rods are the photoreceptors in the eye. Cones allow you to see color and see during daylight, and rods are the receptors that enable low-light vision. Humans have three types of cones, and those provide us the ability to see the red-green-blue spectrum. But duck and most other birds have a fourth type of cone, which allows them to see in the ultraviolet spectrum. So rather than just seeing red, green, blue, and variations of the three, a duck sees a fourth primary color that human can’t see.

It is a proven fact that ducks and some other birds do see things we don’t see. It has always fascinated me.  Certainly, they could see brilliant UV. What looked like black to me would be much different to them.”
UV vision isn’t the only advantage ducks have over humans. “They also have a high density of rods that allow them to see at night.

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