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Which Type Of Exercises Are Good For Back Pain And Which Is Not?

When you have back pain, it can be hard to know which type of exercise is good for it and which is not. If you are unsure, consult your doctor or physical therapist first.

There are a lot of different types of exercises for low back pain. Which one is best depends on what you are trying to achieve – reducing low back pain, increasing physical function or improving mental health.

Resistance Training

Resistance training, also known as weight-training, involves using a variety of weights to strengthen your muscles. This includes dumbbells, kettlebells, powerbands and your own body weight.

This type of exercise can be done at home, in a gym or on the go and is great for building muscle strength and endurance. It can also protect your joints from injury.

Studies have shown that resistance training can help reduce back pain, improve posture and reduce the symptoms of certain musculoskeletal conditions including osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and chronic lower back pain.

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends performing a resistance-training program twice a week, with a minimum of two sets of each exercise with 45 seconds of rest between them. You can vary your workouts by varying the amount of weight you use and changing the intensity and length of each set.


Walking is one of the best ways to get more movement into your day. It’s also a great low-impact workout that you can do anywhere, anytime.

Studies have shown that walking is as effective as conventional physiotherapy treatment in relieving back pain and preventing disability for those with chronic back pain. It also helps with other physical and mental health problems, including obesity and diabetes.

You can start a walking program slowly, and gradually increase your time, intensity, and distance as you improve your fitness level. Be sure to take enough rest days to avoid overtraining, says Boyle.

Taking your walk slow will also prevent overuse injuries, which are common in people who don’t warm up before walking and ramp up their routines too quickly, says Robinson. Those include stress fractures in the feet and knee and hip tendinitis. If you have any concerns about the amount of time, distance, or intensity of your walking workouts, speak to a healthcare professional.


Yoga is a great way to relieve back pain by improving flexibility, strength, and posture. You can also improve your mental health through yoga, which may help ease pain perception and reduce inflammation.

The main types of yoga poses that are good for back pain include flexion-based and extension-based poses. Flexion-based poses stretch the spine in the opposite direction to increase the natural curve of your back, whereas extension-based poses reduce the curve.

There are a variety of poses that are beneficial for both types of back pain, but it’s important to talk with your doctor before beginning a yoga practice.

Aside from reducing pain and inflammation, yoga can also help you manage weight, build strength and flexibility, and improve balance and mobility. It’s best to start with a gentle yoga routine, and gradually work your way up if you feel comfortable doing so.


Pilates exercises can help you to improve core stability, a key factor in back pain. These exercises focus on strengthening the abdominal muscles (transversus abdominis), pelvic floor, and back muscles that support the spine.

Strengthening these muscles is important because they’re the primary stabilizers that help to support your spine and prevent injuries.

One study found that people with back pain who did core stabilizing exercises had significantly less back pain than those who didn’t do them.

It’s important to find a professional who can assess your ability to perform the exercises and understand the basics of Pilates. Physiotherapists or health professionals who specialise in Pilates are often more qualified and experienced than general instructors.

It’s also important to avoid doing exercises that may make your back pain worse. If you do have back problems, it’s recommended that you don’t start any new exercise program until you get medical clearance from your doctor.You can also talk with a fitness trainer for exercise or yoga. For more fitness and nutrition advice, go to