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MoSCoW technique

How To Implement the MoSCoW Prioritization Technique on Your Projects

The MoSCoW technique is a prioritization technique. It has various uses, including deciding which tasks must be completed first on projects and identifying the change requests included in software releases.

During this process, MoSCoW produces a prioritized list of all tasks. The acronym “MoSCoW” is derived from the first letter of each word in the following prioritization categories: MUST have, SOMETIMES have, COULD do, WON’T do.

The technique’s objective is to provide criteria for assessing the value of features and establishing whether or not they can be included within specific periods.

The technique divides work items into four separate sections based on their priority. These sections are called domains because they contain different types of work that must be completed on projects. Domains include Must Have (highest), Should Have (high), Could Have (medium), and Won’t Have (low).

It is important to note that the prioritization categories are independent of each other. For instance, a task with high priority in the Must-Have category but low priority in the Should Have sort.

This technique can be used for new features on existing products, planning future releases of an existing product, or for new products thoroughly.  Different tasks would need to be completed using other processes, depending on where they fall within their respective domains. However, MoSCoW itself remains the same across all three scenarios

To Implement This Strategy, One Must First List All Requirements for a Project and Then Perform the Following Steps:

1 – Assign each condition into one of four prioritized categories (MUST have, SOMETIMES have, COULD do, and WON’T have)

2 – Assess the value of each requirement by assigning a score from 1-10. This score reflects how vital each need is to the success of a project. If you give a high number (9-10), this requirement has a high priority for your project, while a low number (1-3) means that it’s unnecessary or very low on your list of priorities.

3 – Conduct an evaluation based on the results obtained in step 2 to determine if a task must be included within an iteration. Evaluation criteria depend on where the requirements fall within their respective categories:

MUST HAVE (highest): The team must implement this requirement within the current iteration.

SHOULD HAVE (high): The team should implement this requirement, but it can be delayed until a future iteration if necessary to meet the project deadline. COULD DO (medium):

Implementing this requirement makes sense from a business perspective. It could have significant value for the customer, but there are no specific dates or deadlines to be met by implementing it. WON’T DO (lowest): This task is usually not required by the project and should be excluded from planning processes.

4 – Prioritize work items based on their results in step 3 using metrics such as cost/benefit ratio or other alternatives depending on your organizational needs. An example of a prioritization metric used with MoSCoW is the criticality of a task.

The Following Are Examples of How This Technique Can Be Used in Different Business Situations:

1) Prioritizing Project Tasks for Existing Products

The MoSCoW technique could be applied to prioritize which features need to be included in an existing product’s next release. It would make sense to list all available features within your product, then decide which ones should be included (MUST HAVE) and which ones could wait until future releases (COULD DO).

2) Planning New Features for Future Releases

This prioritization method could also be implemented at the beginning of a project where you’re planning out your roadmap. For example, MoSCoW might help you decide which tasks to include in the next major release of your product after evaluating their priority, benefit, and cost.

3) Prioritizing New Features for an Existing Project

The MoSCoW method could also be used to prioritize upcoming work items for an already underway project. For example, you might be planning out how to implement several new features coming down from upper management or clients.

You can then use the prioritization technique to decide what must be included within the current iteration (MUST HAVE), what can wait until future iterations (COULD DO), and which tasks should not even be considered as part of this timeframe (won’t DO).

This prioritization technique is widely used across different business functions such as product management, software development, and customer support. It could be beneficial to use when you’re in situations that require you to set priorities for tasks or features to stay on track with your project goals.

The MoSCoW method can help keep your team focused by looking at the “big picture” of the essential product success.

There are several alternatives to this prioritization technique, including Critical Path Method (CPM), Pugh Matrix & Kano Analysis, so it might be helpful to have additional tools in your toolbox depending on the situation at hand. Finally, different variations of the MoSCoW method are being used today across diverse business functions or domains that haven’t been mentioned here.

Tips on How To Implement the MoSCoW Prioritization Technique on Your Projects

1) Start with a high-level list of all tasks required for your project

2) For every task, place it into one of the following four categories: MUST HAVE, SHOULD HAVE, COULD DO, or WON’T DO

3) Prioritize work items based on their categories above using metrics such as cost/benefit ratio or other alternatives depending on your organizational needs.

4) Implement approved work during each iteration and remove it from prioritization if no longer needed.

As with any project management technique, there are some pros and cons that you should consider before implementing the MoSCoW prioritization technique on your projects. The following section will provide a more detailed analysis of both sides:


1) Can be used to prioritize work items across different business functions or domains

2) Ensures that all-important tasks are being worked on first

3) Guides how to manage expectations easily – especially useful when working in larger organizations


1) Does not take into account dependencies between tasks which could lead to delays if left out

2) It is subjective based on each individual’s opinion, so it might be hard to gain consensus across stakeholders using this technique without proper facilitation.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to determine whether or not the MoSCoW prioritization technique is suitable for your projects. It’s essential to consider this technique and other alternatives to make the best possible decision to stay on track with your project goals.

Final Thoughts:

MoSCoW is a great prioritization technique to use in situations that require you to set priorities across different functional areas or where there are several decision-makers with different opinions. As long as you keep in mind the limitations and provide clear guidance on when and how they should be used, this prioritization method can help keep your team focused and ensure that the most critical tasks are being worked on first.

As with any project management technique, it’s essential to use the MoSCoW prioritization method as a general guideline rather than applying it literally.

However, you can benefit from using this tool by looking at your work items in terms of their priority levels to make better decisions on how to move forward with projects.