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tips for creating a study space for your child


Writing is a difficult task. Writing difficulties can frustrate children, whether they are having issues putting their thoughts into words or correctly spelling those words. Children may be unable to enjoy writing due to issues such as significant learning deficits or plain apathy.

Children who loathe writing, unlike those who dislike basketball or singing, can face consequences because writing is a necessary talent. We must assist children in overcoming their fears. It takes time and effort to build great writing skills. Fortunately, there are a variety of activities parents can do at home to assist their children to improve their writing skills.

These suggestions on how to enhance kids’ writing skills, which range from enjoyable activities to everyday reading and writing sessions, will help your child develop his or her talents in no time.

Encourage reading

There’s a reason why good writers read voraciously. The more a child reads, the newer vocabulary is exposed to them in context, and they acquire more words. It is much easier for a word to transfer from receptive to productive use once it has become part of their receptive vocabulary (much to the delight of parents and teachers who encourage their students to use writing to “expand their language muscles”). Reading introduces youngsters to a wide range of word choices and sentence structures, which they might use in their own writing.

Here is a list of most recommended classical books for students.

Make worksheets for writing

Make a worksheet for young children who are beginning to write where they can trace letters and words. Write letters and words on one piece of paper, then place another piece of paper on top and have your youngster trace the letters and words onto the blank piece of paper. Make a connect-the-dots game by having your youngster trace along dotted lines and then tell you whatever letter or word she or he finds.

Write letters

Nowadays, writing letters is something of a lost art. Encourage your child to write letters to his or her friends and relatives. Family members who live far away will appreciate receiving handwritten letters, and it’s a fantastic method for kids to practise their writing skills.

Pen pals are also a wonderful option, or you can write each other letters and place them about the house for each other to find!

Encourage journaling

Journaling is a terrific technique to get your kids to write creatively. It allows students to see their “progress” writing in a tangible sense.

A few kids’ diaries come preloaded with prompts and ideas, which makes it easier for them to get started. It also helps because journaling is typically done on a daily basis. It helps children build a perspective on what writing can be by having smaller but more regular writing sessions.

Journaling also aids in the development of emotional intelligence. Children work through their thoughts and emotions by writing about them and are better able to recognise and accept them as a result. It allows them to talk about tough topics without fear of humiliation, advice, or recrimination.

Create a study space

A nice writing area, such as a desk or table with a smooth, flat surface, is essential for your child. It’s also important to have adequate lighting. You can make use of these tips for creating a study space for your child.

Use games

There are a variety of games and puzzles that can help children improve their spelling skills while also expanding their vocabulary. Crossword puzzles, word games, anagrams, and cryptograms made specifically for youngsters are just a few examples. Flashcards are very entertaining to use, and they’re simple to produce at home.

Suggest copying activities

Children can focus their attention on form, use, and meaning by copying or memorising favourite poems, phrases, or any other piece of written language. While neither parents nor teachers condone plagiarism, youngsters learn to write and improve their writing by copying sentence structures for their own ideas. They’ll take phrasing from whatever they read, and you can help them along by giving them specific resources to practise with.

Encourage your child to write

Children are typically born with a desire to write. Many children will say they are “writing” even before they can form letters correctly. Keep this desire alive!

Children who believe that writing has power and that their work matters will want to keep trying. However, they desire to begin writing in the manner in which they should.

Consider assisting your child with the physical act of writing if he or she has difficulty with it. Then they are less concerned with the act of writing and more concerned with the thoughts they are generating.

Whatever methods you employ to assist your child in improving their creative writing styles, keep it light-hearted. They’ll want to keep trying if it’s fun, and that’s where the growth happens.