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How to Quickly Get Rid of Body Fat?

Are exercising, fasting, yoga and dieting not making any difference to your body fat?

Cool Sculpting or fat freezing is the most effective way to get rid of it quickly.

Here is what it is and how it can burn your fat.

Fat Freezing or CoolSculpting

Also called cryolipolysis, fat freezing is a cosmetic treatment of removing body fat. This FDA-approved procedure involves freezing of the fat cells to remove them specifically.

This non-invasive technique shows some really beautiful results, especially in the cases where in exercising or dieting fails to make any difference to your fat. Above that, it’s a non-invasive therapy that involves no surgery or cuts or anesthetics. In all, it is less risky and safe.

However, the potential side effects may be seen, which needs to be considered before.

How it works

It uses bone-chilling temperature to break down fat cells. Here, the substantial thing is that the cold does not damage any other cells, except fat cells. This is why this procedure is safer than that of liposuction.  

The expert cosmetic surgeons or practitioners cool down the fat cells, numbing the area with extremely low temperature. It’s the cooling sensation that does it all. 

These procedures take nearly an hour with no downtime. Since there is no surgery involved, the patient receives no damage to the skin. However, the treated area may feel some pain, which is like a minor muscle injury during an intense workout.

Once done, the fat cells may take quarter or a half year to come out from the body naturally. But yes, the CoolSculpted area frequently sees decreasing fat by an average of 20 percent.

It Really Works! 

Fortunately, this fat freezing technique has a high success rate, as it effectively removes the fatty cells from the body. Moreover, you hardly see any side effects.

One substantial fact is that people may expect the difference, but not the miracle. It reduces fat, but a complete removal is not possible. Another noteworthy thing is that it may not be ideal for everybody. The side effects may be more than others. 

However, it all depends on the lifestyle and many other factors. A completely unhealthy diet and keep sitting on during this treatment can lead to minimal fat reduction. 

Another concern is about loose skin. The body loses fat, which makes the skin to look like hanging there. It’s all because of the stretched surface that fatty buildups have caused. After this treatment, it does not tighten up.

Side effects and Complications

There is no possibility of any allergic reaction, as it is a nonsurgical procedure involving no medications. All of these things minimise the chances of experiencing any side effects, which are more in the invasive procedures like liposuction.  

But, there are some complications that may hurt you. These can be any of them:

  • swelling
  • bruising
  • sensitivity
  • skin redness
  • localized pain

There are a few cases of paradoxical adipose hyperplasia following the fat freezing reported. But, the most commonly seen problem is having bulges there on the treated area.  

How long does it last?

The best thing associated with this treatment is that the destroyed fat cells do not return over time. It does not mean that the new fat cells are not going to appear. They do appear. This is why the patient is suggested to preserve the results through a healthy lifestyle.

No exercising and munching food then and now may soon bring you in the previous condition. Fat freezing is just a cosmetic procedure, which does not treat the root cause. The underlying conditions need to be addressed with a healthy lifestyle.

What About Its Costing?

Every geographic location comes with different costing for this treatment. There are skills, experience and the size of the applicator matter a lot in estimating its cost. The areas with more fat also add more dollars to its total cost.

Generally, the small-sized applicators may cost somewhere around $500 to $1000 per session.


It’s a cosmetic procedure that works on the symptomatic causes. For a permanent recovery, the underlying cause of unwanted fat needs to be addressed. The one with a metabolic condition, like diabetes or any other unhealthy lifestyle practice may quickly regain the lost fat.

Here, the patient should undergo a thorough medical checkup before to understand the cause of the fat. It may be a sign of another health condition. So, it is recommended to consult with a certified and experienced practitioner before going for this treatment.

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