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secure kin app

Protect Your Loved Ones With The Help Of SecureKin App

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Monitoring the kid’s digital life was never easy until parental control apps were introduced. These tools update the parents and inform them about any possible danger or threat in the kid’s life. By using such apps, parents are well informed and can take necessary action to protect their kids in any unforeseen situation. The SecureKin app helps parents to know what their kids are up to with their smart gadgets. It is a cell phone monitoring app; thus, parents can install the app on their kid’s Android or iPhone to keep an eye on them.

Remote handling of all the features makes it a suitable choice for parents as they can smoothly handle everything with a convenient and user-friendly interface.

Real-Time Location

The feature updates the parents about the exact location of the kids in real time. The best thing about using the SecureKin app is that it makes it very simple for parents to follow the kids around and know about the live location without making it a big hassle. In this way, parents can be well informed about the usual routes kids follow and track them in case they need their help.


Web filtering or web-blocking blocks unwanted stuff from the kid’s device. I mean, how cool is that to have the power to stop the kids from watching porn, adult stuff, nudes, triggering, depressing or suicidal content, and more. The parents can block all that and much more if they are users of the web-filtering feature of the SecureKin app.

Browsing History

Browsing history reports all the browser history of the kids to the parents. They can know about any accidental or conscious attempt to watch forbidden content by the kid. The features report all the websites the kid visits on the smart gadget. Any triggering stuff is flagged and reported to the parents right away.

Screen Time

Worrying about the screen time of the kid is pretty much a common thing with every parent. The SecureKin app lets the parents know about the overall screen time of the kids. The feature even details how much time was spent on a particular app. Thus, parents can know if it was all spent right or just wasted. In the latter case, they can immediately take necessary action, for example, block the content.

Activity Report

Get a complete activity report about the kids’ screen time and activities in the form of an activity report. The feature notifies the parents about the detailed log of all the apps with timestamped information.

App Block

Panicking is not the solution in case you find anything triggering in the notifications by the app. Simply avail of the app block feature offered by the SecureKin app and let them know who is the boss. The feature practically makes the app disappear from the kid’s device, which will stop any form of access to the content of the relevant app.

Location History

Finding out about the real-time location is not enough sometimes. You may need more information regarding the kids’ whereabouts and movement to know what is happening. The SecureKin app offers an excellent feature that saves the location history chart of the kid.


The key logger feature is the key to all the locks of the kid’s gadget. The feature record and notify the parents about all the keypad activities of the kid’s device. With this feature alone, parents can know what they are typing and what is happening on the device and the kid’s life.


There are a lot of benefits to using the SecureKin app as parental control. The tool can make your life stress-free regarding your kids by notifying you with real-time alerts. Parents can ensure their kid’s security with features like location tracking and history. On the other hand, it is the best weapon to secure the kids digitally with all the other features.


Always check the compatibility of the device before investing your time and money with the monitoring tool. There can be little glitches depending on the variable regarding the real-time alerts.

The app is extremely focused on the safety of the stored data, so there is no need to worry about the precious records and data saved on the web portal. No one can have unauthorized access to the app.

About Post Author

Anurag Rathod

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