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Memory and Happiness

Memory is the capacity we have to keep and retrieve information whenever we require it. Memory is what makes us the people we are but we don’t give too much attention to how our memory functions. It’s a process that is a result of multiple processes that can be classified into various kinds. Every memory we’ve been through can be classified into various categories.

When we discuss being content is that really what we think we mean? We are aware that happiness can come from various sources, based on the person’s perspective. But research suggests that indulgence in nostalgia or good memories can benefit our mental health, happiness, and self-esteem. The thoughts of nostalgia, as with memories of all kinds are crucial in shaping our character. They can have many positive influences on the way we view ourselves. The act of reminiscing about cherished moments in the past can make us feel like our lives are filled with significance and purpose. It improves the self-esteem of our clients. A lot of our nostalgic memories are based on autobiographical experiences with a theme of redemption or mastery.


It is possible to use our memories to bring us back to what we are good at, of how we have gotten through similar circumstances. The nostalgia can also be an extremely powerful social glue due to many reasons. It’s because, as says the author, those whom we cherish the most are usually the ones who receive our thoughts. We relive important moments in our relationships: the beginning days of a relationship or birthday celebrations, as well as holidays that we celebrate with our friends. Since our memories are mostly positive, we’re promoting positive attitudes in our friendships. The second reason is that there appears to be a correlation between our social competence – our willingness and ability to assist other people – and the force of our memories. In addition, nostalgia gives us the feeling that we are being supported. In one study, just recalling a particular memory helped people feel more confident about the love and support from their friends. In the end, it can help us feel more content as well as boost our confidence in ourselves, and also make us feel closer to our friends.

Good Memory and Happiness

Healthy working memory might be the key to an enjoyable and fulfilling life according to new research. Researchers from the University of Stirling have found those with a strong working memory tend to feel confident and optimistic. The people whose memory was not as good are more likely to “brood” as well as score lower in tests of optimism. Work memory refers to your capacity to store and process information simultaneously. One can take Online Counselling for good memory and happiness.

A study from 2014 conducted at the University of Portsmouth by L. Hyman showed that happiness is a very strong factor in time and in the event that you recall your way your science lessons from the past the temporal lobe of your brain is the brain region which is responsible for the long-term storage of memories. So, reflecting on the past could be an important source of happiness even in the present.

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This trend is evident, especially among the older generation (Hyman 2014). Have you ever had the pleasure of sitting with an older person to them reminisce about their past? As a child, my great-grandmother would tell stories about her youth in Arizona and even when my brother and me had heard her tales many times prior she was never bored of sharing stories, and we never got bored of the stories. The older generation is more likely to think of the past collectively as well as their own personal history as more pleasant or “better” than their current age.

The same study also revealed that the younger generation also fantasizes about the past. While they don’t consider the past as being “superior” to the current, they take an innate pleasure in their memories.

How do you become a “savourer”

Engaging in “positive reminiscence” can improve the sense of well-being claims professor Fred Bryant of Loyola University

  • Make yourself more aware in the current. ‘It’s about being capable of telling yourself this is an experience worth keeping in mind. The most simple and cost-effective method is to pay attention when you’re happy.
  • Pay Attention. Attention is the foundation of the way memories are created. Develop an awareness of the experiences you’d like to remember. If you’re having one of them Try to create your mind’s eye view of the present moment to carry it to carry with you.
  • Pay focus to the colors as well as the smells, sounds, and particularly to what you feel. The stronger the emotional connection, the more likely we are able to recall memories later.
  • Try something different: Choosing the tried, proven, and reliable can have its benefits but memorability isn’t an option. It is common for us to recall first-time experiences far better than the things that we’ve been doing repeatedly. Therefore, exploring different experiences is a great method to make memories that last. It doesn’t mean we have to travel to exotic destinations or engage in entirely new things each time we wish to make a lasting memory.
  • The last stage of the entire process involves becoming capable of recollecting those memories. It needs to be a routine by spending time each day or even weekly to reflect on the moments. If you develop a routine it could gradually take on the form of automatic happy memories.

If you are worried about your happiness quotient and mental health well-being, connect with the TalktoAngel for Online Counselling with top psychologists in India.