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seder night

Seder Night – An Unforgettable Experience

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Seder night is very special because all the family members meet at one place and retell the story of Haggadah. By implementing the following tips, you can make your Seder night special and unforgettable. You can also plan to celebrate Seder at a beautiful destination by booking your seat in Passover programs

1. Give Homework

You should encourage every participant of Seder by telling them to prepare a presentation in advance. This presentation could be an explanation of the Haggadah story, a takeoff on a game show, a play, a song, etc.  

Buy Time

The young generation of Jews takes only 20 minutes to complete the Passover celebration. You should add some interesting things to the Seder table so that young participants spend more time on the Seder table. During the Seder, participants say kiddish, do karpas, break the matzah, and the youngest child will ask four questions. Along with all these things, you should try to add some interesting things to ensure that young participants stay for long.

Tell The Story

The main part of the Seder is retelling the story of Exodus from Egypt. Haggadah is comprised of four different stories. All these stories start with one question from the youngest member of the family, the response from the elder one, and praise for God. You should make this session of storytelling interesting. You can organize a skit so that everyone participates in Seder with excitement. It is one of the best ways to make the storytelling session memorable.

Ask Questions

You should encourage your guests for asking a question. It will make the storytelling session quite interesting. You should discuss what Haggadah trying to describe. If they do not ask questions, you must ask in between storytelling session. This trick will keep your guest attentive and they will listen to the story with full interest.

Have Fun

While having a Seder, you must have fun with your family. Seder should not be dull. You should arrange Seder at your home in such a way that every participant waits for next year’s Seder at your home. On the other hand, Seder should be a relaxing and informal education experience for young people and adults as well. Various Jews families also incorporate their favorite songs in Seder celebration–“Go Down, Moses,”

Use Attractive Materials

The biggest problem to keep young kids excited during Seder is most Haggadahs are not designed for them. You can use attractive material to make sure that your kids actively participate in the Seder. You should use coloring sheets and add tactile material on those sheets to make this story interesting for kids. You should stick cotton balls on the pictures of sheep, stick the sandpaper on Pyramids picture, grape scratch on Kiddush cups, etc. These few tricks will make the Haggadah storytelling part quite interesting.  


Every year, the Seder leader invents new ideas to make this ceremony interesting and unforgettable. You can use the tips of an expert to make your Seder special. For instance, you should not fill Elijah’s cup of wine in the beginning. You should wait for the moment when every participant of the seder pours his/her wine in Elijah’s cup. The next thing that you can do is that the Sephardim will pick up the seder plate and place this plate over the head of every person present there.

Pick A Good Haggadah

There are enormous editions of Haggadah in the library of the Jewish Theological Seminary. These versions increase every year because new versions are added to the library. Most Jews pick the Haggadahs that reflect their specific slant.  


The best Haggadah is the one that you put together by yourself. With the advancement in technology and availability of various desktop publishing software and cost-friendly printing, you can edit the Haggadah text. It is quite possible to combine Haggadah text with new interpretations, new songs, and new information. Thus preparation may take some time, but the end result will be mesmerizing. The Seder experience will be unforgettable and meaningful for everyone.  

Wrapping Up

Seder is not meant to be dull and boring. You should always look out for different ways to make the Seder evening interesting and unforgettable. 

About Post Author

Anurag Rathod

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