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cold storage business

How to start a cold storage business?

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Cost, profit and other information: India is the fifth country in the world which produces the most dairy products, poultry products, fruits, vegetables, fresh meat products, grains, processed and packaged food etc. Every year 13 crore tons of fruits and vegetables are produced in India, which is 18 percent of the agricultural industry. Due to the short life span of these goods and the lack of means of their maintenance, about 20 percent of the produced goods get spoiled and destroyed. This causes huge losses to the farmers and they are not able to get the right price for their crops. Industries also suffer huge losses. If all the losses are added, then the economy of India also suffers a huge loss.

The loss of these goods due to lack of means of maintenance increases inflation in the country. Due to the increase in inflation, the common people of the country get upset and curse the government, whereas the real reason is something else. The only solution to all these problems is cold storage. For starting a business you must get in touch with top companies. For this you must have a list of companies related to cold storage. Select a data provider company that will help you provide top b2b companies in India data . Today there is a huge shortage of cold storage in the country as compared to the demand. In view of this shortage, the government has made several plans to promote the cold storage business. This business gets subsidies in many ways.

This is the era of processed food: There is a tremendous demand for processed food in today’s era. Or you can say that 70 percent of the people of the country cannot live without processed food. There is a tremendous need for cold storage to supply processed food as per the demand of these people. By the way, fruits, vegetables, chocolates, cakes etc. processed food, poultry products, chicks, eggs and egg products, dairy products milk, curd, cream, butter, cheese etc., meat products are kept in cold storage. In order to extend the life cycle of all these items, they are kept at the required temperature in cold storage. The weather is cooled by the large cooling machines installed there.

Cold storage is not growing despite government subsidy

Cold storage is a big business in itself. Cold storage business is for those businessmen who think of earning long term profits by investing a large amount of capital at one go. At present, the capacity of cold storage in India is about 400 lakh tonnes. Out of this, 95 percent of cold storages belong to private businessmen. 3 percent cold storages belong to the cooperative sector and 2 percent cold storages belong to the government’s PSU sector. Due to lack of cold storage, a large amount of agricultural, dairy, meat products are getting wasted, due to which farmers, traders as well as the government are incurring losses. The government has also started many attractive subsidy schemes etc. to encourage the cold storage industry. But the demand of this industry is not being met.

Cold storage business takes time

Cold storage business is not an easy business. It takes one year to get the cold storage ready. Initially, a huge amount is spent in getting the cold storage ready. After that, this business runs slowly and for about 3 to 4 years, this business runs without any profit. After that, profits start coming in. Like every business, there is fierce competition in the cold storage business too, but due to the distance of the cold storage, every cold storage operator gets its benefit.

Cold storage is divided into five types according to needs. The first cold storage is for storing potatoes. There is a huge production of potatoes in the entire country. Cold storage facilities are available in every corner of the country to save the potato crop. Potato producers use these cold storages to protect their crops and earn profit by increasing its price. The fourth type of cold storage is for processed food. This type of cold storage is used by e-commerce companies to keep their products safe. Apart from this, the fifth type of cold storage is those in which all types of products are kept. Experts say that cold storages that keep all types of products earn the most. That is why most businessmen plan for this type of cold storage. If you want to choose business ideas download List of Manufacturing Companies in India. With all major details. This will help you to find out more business ideas.

Do these things before starting a cold storage business

To start a cold storage business, first of all, survey that area to see if there is any cold storage already running there. If it is and it is running, then what is its business status? Is there enough scope even after that cold storage that another cold storage business can run easily and it can also give profit. Then consider opening your own cold storage there. If you want to gain experience in this business, then instead of building such a big cold storage, start a small work. If you buy a fridge van and start its business, then you will get experience of mini and mobile cold storage business. From that, you will come to know what problems come in this cold storage business and what is their solution

About Post Author

Anurag Rathod

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