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Wet Document Destruction Services

Wet Document Destruction Services

When you need secure wet document destruction, it’s imperative that the safety and security of your company information is a top priority. This includes taking extra precautions for any documents containing sensitive business data like financials or proprietary product designs – which could be compromised in case they’re not destroyed correctly.

In order to make sure these records don’t get into the wrong hands after being irretrievably erased from existence by certified professionals with verified backgrounds:  

1) retain an audited chain-of custody on file at all times. 

2) ensure random searches are performed periodically throughout storage periods.

When documents are wet and mold has grown on them, they become unsafe for those who handle or attempt to shred the paper. Even if records were once dry but have been exposed in this condition now becomes an issue because of how dangerous it is when there’s a presence of airborne spores from unwanted organisms like fungus growing inside your document!

The onset of mold is a major concern in the secure destruction industry. It can be toxic and cause allergic reactions for some people, so workers should wear masks or respirators when working with records containing it (and have proper OSHA training). There has been litigation over workplace molds — an employer must warn employees about safe practices around these harmful organisms as well provide them PPE at work if necessary to protect themselves from being exposed too much while doing their job duties.

Many document destruction companies are only willing to take wet or moldy items. This is where BMS CAT comes in! We have an inventory system that can destroy these types of documents while still adhering to industry regulations like HIPAA and FACTA, among others.

Destruction Methods

The Federal regulatory compliance laws define the acceptable methods of destruction as shredding, pulverizing or incineration. However in order for materials to be destroyed they must first meet certain criteria which includes no recognition by any means after being shredded into pieces so it’s crucial you know how your organization handles these requirements before submitting sensitive documents!

Destruction of documents is a necessary step in any business’s process, but it must be done correctly. In order for the document to truly disappear and not produce more questions than before its destruction there are three methods that should be carefully considered: incineration (this burns everything up), pulping where fibers from paper with nutritional worth like rice or wood pulp become ink spread across sheets; bleaching which removes color by using chemicals so no trace remains after this stage either.

We’re the best choice for secure document destruction. We meet many industry standards, including those below:

A business’s reputation and information technology investments are at stake when it comes to data security! 

Floods are unfortunately all too common in the United States. They can happen anywhere, anytime – even during a severe storm that has already passed! When you’re cleaning up after one of these disasters and find yourself with wet papers or documents shelter them until it’s safe again but good advice would be to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity around your home while waiting days later when everything might seem back at normal-just remember: water logged pages don’t have much value on their own unless someone steals them first.

The big issue is that although shredding is one way for documents to be permanently destroyed during a disaster such as this recent tragedy in Houston, Texas (and many other cities throughout America), paper cannot actually be shredded using today’s machinery due mainly because waterlogged sheets will not cut properly when being pulled through blades – which makes them near-impossible if they’re stuck together at any point by moisture from flooding waters like we’ve seen over there recently on TV News Programs telling us about all sorts). But before you toss those pieces into trash cans leaving yourself open risk later down.

When documents are wet or even damp, they jam in commercial-grade shredders and any company who tells you that it can be done is most likely going to hold your papers until they’ve dried out. The problem with this approach though is that leaving personal files lying around places like homes means giving an opportunity for data theft by someone looking to steal identities using a blow dryer which could include social security numbers, credit card information etcetera.

Cleaning up after a storm is no easy feat; not when you have wet documents  to deal with. But don’t worry! The right steps can make all the difference in making sure that your personal information stays safe and secure, even if it might be difficult at first glance.

Shredding is a secure and easy way to keep your data and information safe. Data Shredding Services are serving a top notch range of shredding services across Houston.

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