For better or worse, if you move in the digital field , you will certainly have heard of link building , or that special and very delicate SEO activity that consists in creating quality links from sites with a similar topic towards your own (or that of a client) . The purpose of link building is to grow in organic positioning – thanks to the passage of– the pages of the target site.
The link building , however, if it is not done by experts, is likely in the long run turn into a boomerang ; in fact, if Google were to realize that the links are artificial and created ad hoc , the algorithm would heavily penalize the site, making it practically disappear from the serp , or from the search results pages.
It is in this second scenario that link earning makes sense, as an “alternative” to link building; let’s see how.
Link Earning: what it is and why it is essential for your online business
We have quoted the word “alternative” as it is absolutely not certain that link earning is carried out at the expense of link building; the two can also proceed in parallel.
Link earning means “link earning “, or, more gracefully, “spontaneous link acquisition”. But who, and above all why, should spontaneously link our site?
The Internet was born and has been based for years on the creation of content (in the form of web pages) linked by hyperlinks created spontaneously by users. Then, with the immeasurable multiplication of production (and consequent decline in quality) and the growing importance of SEO (understood as a “war between sites” to appear among the first search results), the “fear of linking” became more and more widespread. , not to give an advantage to possible competitors on the same topic.
Fortunately, however, there is always a certain “hard core” of web users and professionals who, faced with content of excellent quality, still agree to link it.
What is at the basis of the link earning activity is in fact the so-called “Wow Effect”, that is to amaze our user with such excellent, refined and complete content (or “without equal”), that among all those who read it and they will share, there will surely be someone who, in turn, will talk about it, also adding a link to the original source.
This can happen for sensational news, an in-depth and encyclopedic article on a specific topic, a wonderful photo or video, an infographic that perfectly explains complex data.
These excellent contents are still able, even today, to attract spontaneous links (and mentions) on the web, moreover the most appreciated by Google as signals of quality, and therefore able to push the source site strongly and upwards.
Caring for a link earning campaign , if not done in person, is really very expensive, as it can require an important initial “market survey” commitment on the target and, subsequently, an equally hard work to create TOP level content. Able to really stir the interest of a multitude of people.
The earnings link is therefore an uphill climb to the top, but then, the panorama from the top of its conquered positions, is priceless!
What can we do for you?
If you want to know more or are interested in creating a link earning project to improve the positioning of your site and the image of your brand, is the digital PR, link building, SEO and brand reputation agency (online reputation) that can best support your digital business idea and follow you step by step to maximize it, increasing revenues.
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