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CBSE School – Identifying a child’s primary learning style

The beginning of a fresh academic year at the CBSE School is always a thrilling one with passionate students, relaxed teachers, new books and a world of possibilities in front of us.

Needless to say, this year things have been a bit varied. Across the globe, CBSE School students are starting fresh courses or looking forward to exams against the backdrop of the biggest disruptions to education. All of which gives teachers at the best school in Abu Dhabi an exceptional challenge: how to identify a student’s primary learning style in order to ensure that they are progressing effectively in their educational journey.

Every child learns in distinct ways, but having a grasp of your child’s learning style is vital in helping them attain academic success. Learning styles are the process of obtaining information.

Students learn quickly and hold on to more information when it is presented to them in their controlling learning style. However, it’s vital to keep in mind that children can learn even when they are presented with other styles.

What you are familiar with in various kinds of learning styles might be instinctive. In case you have more than one child, you may have seen they are distinctive in the manner they learn and echo data back to you. This fundamental perception of children drove few social researchers in the twentieth century to characterize learning styles in youngsters, teenagers and adults.

Learning styles will generally overwhelm how an individual explores the world. It impacts the manner in which a child plays, studies, works and mingles. Their learning type is impacted by their current circumstances, mindset, and character attributes. By realizing their learning type, they’ll know about how their brain learns best to help them during their school, college and university years.

Let’s go through each of the learning styles and their characteristics.

1.   Visual Learners – Visual learners learn through seeing. They think in pictures, may imagine the data they need to learn and might experience issues focusing on reading a book without pictures. Students at the CBSE School are encouraged to envision the story as it is being read and the school has picture reading books to help visual learners specifically. These assist students to see and recalling what is being read.

Characteristics of visual learners include:

  • An adoration for books, magazines and other study materials and they like to have a pen and paper nearby.
  • Enjoy learning through visually engaging materials and are disappointed when incapable of taking notes.
  • Can recollect where data was located on a page and they need a peaceful place to study
  • They will generally be great at spelling, read slowly, will quite often be meticulous and frequently request verbal instructions to be repeated.
  • Concentrate better when they can clearly see the classroom board or any visual guides and recall how people look and how they were dressed.

2.   Auditory Learners – Reading aloud is by far the most prominent tool for an auditory learner. Workshops at the best school in Abu Dhabi use group conversations, reading resoundingly, discussing tables and spellings to make the most of auditory learning opportunities. Fun counting games and rhymes are utilized as well.

Characteristics of auditory learners include:

  • React better to the spoken word and are talkative in the class
  • Adapt viably through verbal guidance, lectures, audiobooks, oral introductions
  • or music
  • Appreciate conversations and discussions and benefit from reading resoundingly
  • Follow oral directions better than written ones and will generally retain information well
  • Likes to pay attention to the music instead of seeing the artwork, read gradually and follow spoken directions well.

3.   Kinesthetic Learners – These types of learners are characterized by a process approach called touch, learn and do and are thought to make up about only 5% of the population. They retain information best by doing, experiencing, touching, moving or being active here and there. They need breaks and a good amount of space to work in as they are easily distracted.

Characteristics of kinesthetic learners include:

  • Learn through touch, feelings, movement and space and enjoy doing demonstrations
  • Master abilities through training and impersonation and benefit from hands-on teaching
  • Find it difficult to sit still for long stretches of time and really like to stand.
  • Do not have great handwriting and struggle with spelling
  • Learn well from field outings and excursions and talk fast utilizing hands to communicate.

There is proof for and against learning styles; however, in reality, the crucial thing is to have the opportunity to self-reflect on how you learn best, not categorize yourself and attempt to handle issues from various angles. Assessing your learning styles is just one method for doing this.

Individuals seldom have one learning style. Most have a blend of the three, and it is vital to not underestimate the student’s belief that they can attain success through effort, as once in a while it can be a reason for failure.

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