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Automation Testing vs Manual Testing: Pros and Cons


In the dynamic field of software development, testing is essential to guaranteeing the calibre and dependability of the final result. This is accomplished by two widely used approaches, automation testing and manual testing, which differ greatly in their benefits and methods. We’ll examine the subtleties of both manual and automated testing in this extensive tutorial, highlighting their distinctions and assisting you in formulating an informed testing plan.

Automation testing

In order to run test cases, check results, and compare actual results to predicted ones, automation testing makes use of specialised tools and scripts. For lengthy and recurring test scenarios, this method is quite helpful.

The effectiveness and speed of automated testing are two of its main benefits. Code changes can be quickly feedbacked on since automated tests can be run far more quickly than manual tests. By doing this, the development cycle is sped up and strict release dates are met.

Manual Testing

Manual testing uses human interaction to run test cases, evaluate outcomes, and find flaws. Manual testing is still a crucial step in the testing process for particular scenarios, even though it could appear more conventional when contrasted with automation.

Exploratory testing is where manual testing shines since it allows testers to utilise their imagination and subject expertise to find hidden flaws. Manual testing is essential for finding complicated issues because automated scripts find it difficult to mimic this human sense.

 Difference between Automation Testing & Manual Testing

CriteriaAutomation TestingManual Testing
MethodsIt depends on preset test cases and scriptsInvolves exploratory testing and human intervention
Quickness and EffectivenessQuick execution, perfect for works that need repetitionTime-consuming, especially for large projects
The Human FactorAbsence of human touch; may overlook personal difficultiesInvolves human creativity and intuitive testing
First Test CasesPrefers predefined scriptsAllows on-the-fly test case creation
User ExperienceIt restricted in evaluating feel and usabilityExcellent for evaluating user experience
Cost ConsiderationsInitial tool and training purchasesMay be more economical for smaller projects
ReliabilityEffective for extensive testingChallenging for extensive test suites
FlexibilityFollows predefined stepsAdaptable, especially during changing projects

Pros of Automation Testing:

  • Repeatability and consistency:

By ensuring that the same set of tests are run consistently each time, automation testing lowers the possibility of inconsistencies and human error.

  • Efficiency:

The speed at which automated tests can execute in comparison to manual tests facilitates prompt feedback on the software’s quality.

  • Regression Testing:

Perfect for performing regression tests, which require running numerous test cases repeatedly to make sure that updated code doesn’t affect already-existing functionality.

  • Parallel Execution:

The total test execution time can be greatly decreased by using automation tools to run tests concurrently on several computers or settings.

  • Increased Test Coverage:

When compared to manual testing, automation facilitates the testing of a greater number of scenarios, which improves test coverage.

  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):

CI/CD pipelines can readily incorporate automated testing, allowing for quicker and more frequent releases.

  • Data-Driven Testing:

Test flexibility is increased by automating the design of data-driven tests, which enable the execution of a single test using many sets of input data.

Cons of Automation Testing:

  • Initial Setup Time:

It can take a while to set up automation frameworks and scripts, particularly for complicated systems.

  • Maintenance Overhead:

To adjust to changes in the application, automated tests need to be maintained on a regular basis. Updates to the scripts can be required for any changes made to the programme.

  • Limited Exploratory Testing:

Exploratory testing, which depends on the tester’s imagination and intuition to find problems that automated scripts could overlook, is less successful with automation.

  • High Initial Cost:

Smaller projects may find automation to be a less appealing alternative due to the initial cost of the tools and resources needed.

Pros of Manual Testing:

  • Exploratory Testing:

Through end-user-focused exploration of the application, manual testing is a great way for testers to find hidden problems during exploratory testing.

  • Ease of Use:

Particularly for small projects or ad hoc testing, manual testing is often quicker to deploy and involves less setup time at first.

  • Cost-Effective for Short-Term and Small Projects:

In situations where automation may not be worth the initial expenditure, such as short-term projects or projects with rapid changes, manual testing is frequently more economical.

  • User Experience Testing:

For evaluating the user interface, usability, and general user experience, manual testing works well.

Cons of Manual testing:

  • Repetitive Tasks:

Executing the same set of tests repeatedly can lead to monotony and inaccuracy in manual testing.

  • Limited Scalability:

The more the programme grows, the more time-consuming and impractical manual testing becomes, particularly for regression testing.

  • Subjective Results:

When testing manually, test results might be arbitrary and depend on the tester’s knowledge, expertise, and interpretation.

  • Resource-Intensive:

Manual testing can be resource-intensive, including a significant time and effort investment in the execution of test cases.

  • Not Suitable for Parallel Execution:

Manual tests are slower for large test suites because they are more difficult to run in parallel than automated tests.


In conclusion, it is clear that both automation testing and manual testing play critical roles in the software testing process. While automation testing offers efficiency, repeatability, and speed, manual testing provides a human touch and the ability to uncover nuanced defects. The ideal approach often involves a combination of both methods, leveraging the strengths of each to ensure comprehensive test coverage and high-quality software.

By familiarising yourself with common interview questions on manual testing for freshers, you can better prepare yourself for potential job opportunities in the field of software testing. Remember to showcase your understanding of fundamental testing concepts, problem-solving skills, and attention to detail during the interview process.

Ultimately, whether you choose Test  Automation Course or manual testing as your preferred method, the key is to prioritise the end goal of delivering reliable, user-friendly software to customers. Stay updated on industry trends, continuously improve your skills, and adapt to new technologies to excel in the dynamic field of software testing. Thank you for reading and best of luck in your testing endeavours!