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Top B2B Lead Generation Strategies for 2023

A lead is much more than a potential customer, but rather a person who is much closer to becoming a customer than you think. To achieve this, you have to capture their attention, offer them a value proposition and show them that what you offer will solve their problem or need.

The generation of B2B leads is one of the most important points for the success of any online business, which will help it grow and meet the objectives set.

But beware, each type of lead generation strategy must be customized according to the space in which our buyer person is in their purchase process. After reading this post, you will learn how to ask the right question at the right time to significantly increase your leads. You’ll also understand how to best use tools like Google search, content, email marketing, and social media to connect with potential buyers and guide them through the customer journey to a sale.

Understand the Customer Journey

Although the sales cycle analyzes the process from the seller’s point of view, it is the Customer Journey or the consumer’s journey that is the protagonist of B2B lead generation. ‍

Companies that sell products or services must know exactly where their customers come from at each stage. What questions do you have? What are your concerns/doubts? Which company of your competition are they considering? Learning to listen to them, offering them the right content at all times and knowing how to approach the competition is key.

The Customer Journey takes this route:

  • Awareness: potential customers are interested in your business.
  • Consideration: They investigate if they will benefit from this product or service that you offer.
  • Decision: they compare with competitors and weigh their choice.
  • Loyalty to your brand: potential customers evaluate if your product or service was worth it and if they will buy or recommend again.

Understanding your current customers

And it is that the best way to know your future buyers is to understand the current ones. Find them to find out how they behaved in each part of the Customer Journey. You can test questions like “what did you Google?” or “what inspired you to buy from us?” and even “what do you consider of our customer service?” ‌These responses will help you get well at your B2B lead generation strategy.

And, in order to give you a little push, I am going to show you the main B2B lead generation strategies for 2023, so that you can get ahead of them and start applying them as soon as possible.

Also Read: 4 Simple Lead Generation Strategies That Work

B2B lead generation strategies that will be key in 2023

Blog articles

One of the most effective strategies to generate B2B leads is through creating SEO-optimized blog articles, through which you can answer frequently asked questions by your target audience. The key is to write quality, original and relevant posts based on the search intentions of the users, with which you can resolve any doubts they may have. In this way, it will be easier for you to capture their attention and lead them to your website.

Likewise, in these posts it is important to include calls to action that invite the user to click, either to register, leave your contact information, download, make a purchase, etc.

Social media marketing

It is a fact that social networks are very effective in generating leads and, most importantly, quality leads. They allow for a more precise focus and are celebrated as a place where you can interact with potential customers.

Therefore, social media marketing should be key in your lead generation strategy and, for this, in addition to staying active, posting regularly and trying to create a community, it is also highly recommended to carry out advertising campaigns on social networks. , with which you can create ads for a very specific audience, segmenting by location, age, gender, etc.

And, among all those available, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram are the three social networks par excellence to generate leads. Also check Descargar Videos de Facebook

But of course, LinkedIn is the perfect place to network with qualified professionals, inside and outside your industry. Thanks to this social network, companies can easily create awareness of their business, generate conversations and distribute quality content. Getting into the discussion spaces opens the doors for countless lead generation opportunities.

Email marketing

Another of the most effective strategies to generate leads is B2B email marketing, which will allow you to send messages with useful and quality information to people whose attention you have already captured at first, so it will be much easier for you to convert.

The key is to create original, eye-catching and relevant emails based on actions that, in just a few lines, manage to convince the reader that they need what you offer.

PPC advertising on Google

One of the most effective ways to obtain leads is PPC advertising on Google (pay per click), which will allow you to create prominent ads in the search engine, with which it will be much easier for you to reach the right people, which are those who have interest in what you offer and are willing to buy.

These ads appear at the top of the Google results pages, based on a series of keywords of interest to both the advertiser and the user.

Although there are many other actions you can take, these are some of the main strategies to generate leads in 2023, which you should start applying to your business as soon as possible.