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3 Easiest Tips To Boost Your PageSpeed Insights Performance

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Do you know a poor PageSpeed Insights performance always negatively impacts user experience and ends up with a lower conversion rate?

Due to a lot of technical solutions involved in PageSpeed optimization, most website owner often avoids this, which may ruin all their efforts. Before diving into the solution, let’s understand what PageSpeed Insights is and the importance of improving PageSpeed performance.

What Is PageSpeed Insights?

In order to analyze the PageSpeed performance of a website, Google introduced an online tool, named PageSpeed Insights (Google PSI). It scores your website performance based on the Core Web Vitals performance and also categorizes the score for your better understanding.

An above 90 PageSpeed Insights score is categorized as a good PageSpeed performance, whereas a PSI score between 50-89 is an average score, and finally, a below 50 score indicates the website fails the PageSpeed performance test in Google PSI.

Note: Always try to keep a 90+ Google PageSpeed Insight score to enhance the user experience. To effortlessly do this, use a PageSpeed optimization tool like RabbitLoader.

Why Do You Need To Improve The PageSpeed Insights Score?

Now, the question can occur in your mind: “Is it essential to improve the PageSpeed performance?” – “Yes”.

Let’s concentrate on the importance of improving the PageSpeed score, which includes:

  1. Enhance the user experience
  2. Boost the conversion rate
  3. Increase the SEO ranking

Enhance the user experience

While providing a seamless user experience is paramount to improving user engagement, your slow-loading website can be a reason for your user’s frustration and lead them to leave the website, which typically increases the bounce rate and minimizes the average on-page time of your website.

A good PageSpeed performance can build a positive impression in the user’s mind about your website. Thus, they can spend more time on your website, which leads them to convert into potential leads, boosting your conversion rate. 

Increase the SEO ranking

Prioritizing the user experience, Google added PageSpeed to its ranking algorithm, and based on that, Google determines the ranking position of your website. By improving the PageSpeed Insights score, you can ensure a good ranking in Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs), which automatically helps you to achieve a good number of organic traffic and page views.

How To Measure PageSpeed Performance

By measuring the PageSpeed performance, you can know the current status of your website performance. Thus, before putting any effort into website PageSpeed optimization, you need to analyze the website’s PageSpeed performance.

  • Enter the website’s URL name and click on the “analyze” button.
  • By default, you can see the PageSpeed performance of the mobile version. At the top, you can see two buttons: Mobile and Desktop. By clicking the desktop, you can see the website’s performance on the desktop.

Google PageSpeed Insights uses three colors to categorize website performance: green indicates good performance; orange indicates average performance, and red denotes poor website performance.

How To Improve PageSpeed Insights Performance?

Let’s discuss the three most powerful ways to improve the PageSpeed Insights performance that you also can easily implement in your website. If you are from any non-tech background, you can use the plugins we will mention here to optimize the PageSpeed performance effortlessly. 

  1. Convert all images into next-gen formats
  2. Implement lazy loading to the non-critical image
  3. Reduce the total page file size

Convert All Images Into Next-Gen Formats

To make a website aesthetic, most website owners add high-resolution images, which can slow down a website. Converting images into next-gen formats (also known as next-generation formats) such as AVIF and WebP can compress the image losslessly, which significantly improves the website’s page loading time.

Several image optimization tools are there, like RabbitLoader, ShortPixel, EWWW image optimizer, and others to convert your images into next-gen formats.

Implement Lazy Loading To The Non-Critical Image

Lazy load the non-critical images is one of the effective website PageSpeed optimization techniques, especially, if your website has hundreds of thousands of images. Implementing lazy loading defers the loading of off-screen images, which can significantly improve the initial page loading time of a website.

Reduce The Text-Based File Size

The correlation between total page file size and page loading time is undeniable. During the development time, many characters are added to the coding file, which increases the file’s readability. However, those characters are not needed in page rendering time.

Minification is a process of reducing the coding file size by removing unnecessary characters from them. This process is essential if you are aiming to achieve a 90+ PageSpeed score in PSI. 

Minifying the coding files one by one requires a fair amount of time; also, it can be daunting for a large website. To save time, you can use an online tool like HTML minifier, UnCSS, or RabbitLoader.


Start providing a fast-loading website to your users, which help you to achieve your desired conversion rate. To make the optimization process easier, we have explored three easiest ways and also mentioned some optimization plugins.

Thus, if you are struggling with a higher bounce rate due to your poor PageSpeed performance, it’s high time to improve the PageSpeed Insights score and make your website faster.


About Post Author

Anurag Rathod

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