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Can Dandruff Cause Lice?

Dandruff is a common skin ailment that causes flaking of the skin on the scalp. It’s not infectious or dangerous, and however, it can be humiliating and difficult to treat.

Mild dandruff can be addressed with a gentle wash daily. If that fails, a medicated shampoo may be of assistance.

We all know what dandruff is, but some effects might be new to you. Usually, people relate dandruff to lice. We are talking about the connection between these two hair problems and will try to find that dandruff is a reason behind the lice in hair. But before going deep into the discussion, let’s find out the true meaning of these two hair problems.


Dandruff, or the dry, white flakes of dead skin that usually brush off your collar or shoulders, is entirely safe. However, it is both embarrassing and itchy at the same time. Dandruff is not caused by your hair or how frequently you wash your hair, and it’s all about the skin type of your scalp.

The problem behind dandruff is that skin cells grow and die too quickly, and it’s unclear why this happens. Malassezia, a common fungus, may be a reason behind dandruff. This fungus can be seen on the scalps of most healthy persons without creating any issues. One possibility is that someone with dandruff’s immune system may respond to the fungus.

When you’re upset or sick, your dandruff may worsen. Dandruff can be triggered or aggravated by cold, dry winters.

Seborrheic dermatitis, often known as seborrhea, is a prevalent cause. Some persons who have dandruff may also have seborrheic dermatitis in other parts of their bodies, such as their ears, the center of their face, or the center of their chest.

What Are Lice?

Head lice are parasitic insects with no wings that reside in human hair. They are a frequent and highly contagious issue, and they might also be challenging to get rid of. The eggs are referred to as nits.

Head lice are not a health risk, an indicator of inadequate cleanliness, or a source of disease. They are more common among preschool and elementary school-age children and can spread to the rest of the family.

Causes of Lice

For getting the answer to our question, we have to search about some causes of head lice so that we may decide whether lice are caused by dandruff or not.

Head lice are spreadable. When the insects climb onto your head, you can become afflicted with head lice. You can catch head lice in a variety of ways, including:

  • Rubbing your head on the head of someone who has head lice
  • Sharing a person’s goods (such as a comb) with someone who has head lice
  • Chasing a person with head lice with a cloth item
  • While lice transmission through inanimate things is theoretically possible, it has been extremely uncommon. Brushes, combs, barrettes, headbands, headphones, and hats are examples of inanimate items.
  • Lice may also dwell on upholstered furniture, beds, towels, or clothing for a short period.

Can Dandruff Cause Head Lice?

By looking deeply into the causes of Lice, we found there is no connection between headlice and dandruff. Dandruff and nits (lice eggs) seem alike, but keep in mind that a person can quickly identify both by merely having little attention to the structure. So, both these hair problems are different, and a person should not be confused between them.

There are many ways to avoid lice. Dandruff causes other problems, but head lice are not one of them. The most common reason behind the creeps is poor hygiene, and the best way to prevent dandruff and lice is to have clean and tidy hair all the time.


Dandruff and head lice are two different hair problems, and people are confused between these two because both cause itching and are shameful conditions. One of the best and most helpful ways to fight these conditions is to have the best moisturization and cleanliness of the head. If you have such problems, you should consult the best dermatologist found at that is available online to solve your queries.


1. How long can head lice survive on clothing?

If lice fall off a person and land in most places of the environment, they will die within three days at room temperature. They can, however, survive in clothes seams for up to a month.

2. What causes dandruff?

Dandruff can be caused by different factors, including irritated, greasy, and dried skin. Malassezia is the type of yeast-like fungus that feeds on the oils found on the scalps of most adults.3. What causes head lice to appear in the first place?

Head lice infestations are more common at a young age and are mainly caused by the direct transfer of lice from one person’s hair to another’s hair. A head-lice infestation does not indicate poor personal hygiene or an unsanitary living environment, and head lice do not transmit pathogenic bacterial or viral infections.