The researchers in the United Kingdom have created a smart needle which is purposed to enhance the abilities to detect cancer within shorter times. This technology will assist in the diagnosis of several diseases like lymphoma, and it could be a direct agent in decreasing the nervousness of most of the patients by reducing the time to get the desired results with a speedy diagnosis. Nowadays, people who have lymphoma are asked to give a sample of cells, and then a biopsy of the node is performed to carry out the complete diagnosis as it is a time-demanding procedure.
A research partner of the project at the University of Exeter Alex Dudgeon has said that the instantaneous detection could be a principal-agent in successful diagnosis and treatment of the cancer. Moreover, he has assured that this technology could revolutionize the speed of diagnosis of lymphoma. It could replace the traditional ways of diagnosis of disease as its instantaneous results providing benefits could decrease the anxiety of patients waiting for results, and the necessity of needle diagnostic surgery will be removed after this technology. Furthermore, a lot of time will be saved with reasonable expenses and more proficient patient experience while using this technology as told by NHS.
How it would work
The writers at nursing assignment help quoted that the researcher of the University of Exeter said that this new device would be based on Raman Spectroscopy. It will direct a low power laser to the inspected parts of the body, and it would detect the issues in only seconds. All the changes taking place within disease tissue would be noticed with the new smart needle and changes in the cells would be measured with the Raman needle as described Prof. Nick Stone, chief of the project at the University of the Exeter. He says that scientists would be able to evaluate healthy tissue with the help of the tip of Raman smart needle. The experts have developed that Raman sharp needle on the laser technology that acts as a probe to utilize light to find out the cancerous cells or tissues immediately. This technology has got the right potential to enhance the efficiency to diagnose the lymphoma. Scientist and researchers are working on new technology at the University of Exeter, University of Bristol and Gloucestershire Hospitals of NHS Foundation Trust.
The probe will make use of light in the form of the laser as it will be scattered on the targeted body part. The light will be reflected in two different manners form healthy and sickened tissues, and it would be helpful for scientists to analyze the diseased tissue immediately. The current traditional methods have lots of dangerous as these could harm the neighbouring healthy tissues so it would eliminate the fears of damaging other tissues of the body. The diagnosis process can take up two or more weeks to show the results. The Raman smart needle probe is made up of fibre optics enclosed inside a sharp needle that could locate the cancerous cells within the body. Charlie Hall, a neck and head expert of NHS Foundation Trust at Gloucestershire hospitals has encouraged this technology by addressing its future efficacy for speedy diagnosis of cancer in the head and neck of body of the patient.
Tests of technology:
The scientists have successfully tested this technology in a sample of 68 patients, and they have succeeded in carrying out the difference between the cancerous cells and healthy body cells. Now they are eyeing on three-year trail project of the probe that will be sponsored by the National Institute for Health Research, and it will pave the way for clinical trials of patients in a few years.
The prototype was built by Dr John day at the University of Bristol. He has promised to continue his experiments on the trial for further exploration. Moreover, he has also proposed that if this technology is successful for the diagnosis of lymphoma in patients, then it would be revolutionary for the detection of other types of cancerous tissues in the human body.
The researcher has said that the lymphoma is the sixth most common type of cancer among people in the United Kingdom as 50 % of people suffer from this disease and one in two patients die due to this deadly cancer. But now it will be approached with new diagnostic technology to help people recover it after immediate treatment.
The reaction of industries
This new technology has been appreciated by Rophinder Gill who is head of Lymphoma Action charity. She has encouraged it by calling an exciting development for patients suffering from Lymphoma cancer. She also assured the prospects of anything that could increase the diagnosis process and decrease the complexity of the process are fully welcomed. But she also pinpointed the pioneer trails. She has been reluctant to say anything before successful trials on the technology. The project is given one million dollar boost by NHIR (National Institute of Health Research).
This type of technology is also used or brain surgery as it is also under clinical trials in Australia. This technology will comprise a tiny screening probe which could enclose inside a smart biopsy needle helpful for brain surgery. The researchers at the University of Adelaide are working on these needles to detect at-risk blood vessels while they insert the needle into the human body. It will reduce the bleeding risks of brain surgery. The University of Western Australia and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital are working collectively to this project.
Many significant problems researchers face while treating the cancer as one is late diagnosis. Most people do not know what type of cancer they are suffering form in their lives. Sometimes, people at later critical stage become aware of the disease, so it becomes impossible to treat patients at the third or last stage. But with the invention of smart needle, it would be easier for people to diagnose the disease or cancer in their lives at an earlier stage. The detection of cancer at a more initial step would be beneficial for its treatments. Hence people death ratio due to disease could be reduced with the help of this new detection technology.
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