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Eco Friendly Cleaning

Eco Friendly Cleaning: Sustainable Practices for Your Home

In recent years many people have become more conscious about the environmental impact of their cleaning & household products. From worrying about dangerous chemical components to excess plastic waste. Consumers are searching for eco-friendly solutions.

Luckily creating a green home doesn’t require a complete overhaul of products and appliances. You can reduce your environmental footprint dramatically with some simple swaps and habit adjustments. This article will explore various sustainable practices to implement in your home.

Use Natural Cleaning Products

Conventionally manufactured cleaners often contain synthetic fragrances, preservatives and other components that get released into waterways. This negatively impacts marine life and human health.

Instead opt for plant-based & non-toxic cleaners. Look for the Safer Choice logo from the EPA or other certifications. Or even make your own using ingredients like baking soda, vinegar, lemon juice and Castile soap. Not only are these better for the planet. But they get the job done just as well!

Choose Reusable Over Disposable

Single use wipes, paper towels and plastic scrub brushes pile up quickly in landfills. Prevent waste by replacing these with reusables. Some ideas like microfiber cloths, Swedish dishcloths, reusable silicone scrub brushes and washable bamboo paper towels.

Conserve Water & Energy

Excess water and energy usage during cleaning tasks is not sustainable. Be conscious of habits that waste resources. For example, turn off the faucet while scrubbing dishes, limit laundry cycles, use cold water settings when possible and air dry dishes instead of running the dishwasher’s drying cycle.

Buy in Bulk to Reduce Packaging

Packaging makes up a huge portion of household waste. Buying eco-friendly cleaning staples from bulk bins. Instead of individually wrapped bottles eliminate this issue. Bring your own containers to refill dish soap, laundry detergent, all-purpose cleaner and more. You will save money too!

Use Plant Based Sponges and Cloths

Many disposable sponges and paper towels are plastic which stick around for centuries after one use. Swap these out for reusable, biodegradable options like cellulose sponges, cotton dish cloths, and coconut scrub brushes.

Opt for Greener Laundry Habits

Laundry makes up 15% of home water usage. Adjust habits like washing in cold water. Only running full loads and air drying when possible. Then look at detergent. Powder formulas contain less water than liquids. Cutting back on packaging and fossil fuels used for transportation. And modern plant based options clean efficiently despite their gentler formulas.

Compost Food Waste Consciously

Over 30% of household waste is compostable organic material. Diverting this from landfills decreases methane emissions. Start a backyard compost pile or sign up for municipal composting services. But know what is and isn’t compostable & some “compostable” plastics require special facilities to break down. Don’t belong in backyard systems. Stick to fruit and veggie scraps, eggshells, coffee grounds and yard waste.

Wrap Up

With some easy habit adjustments and product swaps. Creating an eco-friendly home is simple. Focus first on reducing consumption and waste. Then integrate natural cleaning solutions and reusable alternatives to cut back further. Your impact will shrink dramatically, benefitting both the planet and your wallet!

Start gradually implementing changes that work for your lifestyle. Even small differences collectively make massive positive change. Together, our cleaning habits can protect ecosystems and resources for generations to come through everyday conservation.