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Two Wheels, One Continent: Exploring Africa on a Motorcycle Road Trip

For us, the best way to explore Africa is on a motorcycle. While it can be done on a bike with a sidecar or scooter, I prefer the freedom of riding solo. Motorcycles are also cheaper than cars in many African countries and easy to rent for long-term trips like this one. Here are some tips for planning your own motorcycle adventure through Africa:

What is your motorcycle route?

Together with our friends from Traveling Sapiens, and their impeccable experience, we made this list to help you plan your trip. 

If you’re planning to ride through Africa on a motorcycle, the best time of year to go is during the dry season (May-October). The weather will be cooler, and there won’t be as many bugs in the air. 

However, if you want to experience some rain showers and green landscapes while riding through Kenya or Zambia during their rainy seasons (November-April), then by all means, do so!

It’s also worth noting that many roads aren’t paved outside of major cities. If your bike has knobby tires with good treads, these types of surfaces shouldn’t pose too much trouble when it comes to your journey. 

But if it doesn’t have them or they have worn down over time, consider investing in new ones before hitting the road with them!

How long do you want to ride each day?

The first step in planning your trip is knowing how long you want to ride each day. The distance between towns and cities varies from country to country, but generally speaking, 

Africa is a very big place. You can’t just hop on your bike and expect to cover hundreds of miles in one day without being prepared for the challenges that come with long-distance riding.

Know Your Limits

You’ve probably heard this before: “Know thyself.” Well, if you’re planning an epic motorcycle road trip across Africa (or anywhere else for that matter), you needn’t look any further than yourself for the answer about how far and how fast (or slow) it’s safe for you to travel each day. 

If possible, take time off work before heading out on an adventure like this. This way, there won’t be any pressure when something goes wrong (and believe us when we say something will). No work deadlines or other responsibilities weighing down on top of whatever else might happen while traveling alone. 

Remember: nothing ever goes according to plan!

Do you want to travel alone or with a group?

Traveling alone has many benefits, but it can also be risky. You may not have anyone to help if something goes wrong and you need medical attention. Traveling in a group offers more safety and security. 

Still, it also means being around people who might slow down your journey or make it less enjoyable because of their personalities. If you’re traveling with others, try to get along well with them before setting out on your trip. It will make things easier for everyone involved!

If you’re traveling alone, make sure to stay in touch with your friends and family. Tell them where you’ll be going and when they can expect to hear from you again. Let them know if anything goes wrong and that they should call the police if they haven’t heard from you within 24 hours of your expected return time.

Do you want to sleep near the road in towns, villages or in tents?

If you’re looking for an authentic African experience, you’ll want to sleep in towns and villages near the road. If you don’t have your own tent, there are hotels in most places that will rent them out. 

The good news is that they’re cheap! The bad news is that they take up more space than sleeping in a tent, and setting up and taking down a hotel room takes time and money.

Tents are also more private than hotels, which can be nice if privacy matters to you (or if it doesn’t).

Another thing to keep in mind is that each country has its own restrictions on riding. Some countries don’t allow motorcycles at all, while others may restrict them to certain areas or only allow one person per bike.

Are there any places you want to avoid?

There are a few areas you should avoid. If you plan on doing any of your own research, looking at the U.S. Department of State’s travel advisories for each country you’re considering visiting may be helpful. 

The Department of State issues these advisories when civil unrest or war is going on in a country and will advise travelers not to go there.

If you’re planning on doing any off-road riding, make sure that those roads are passable by motorcycle before heading out onto them. You don’t want to find yourself stuck somewhere remote with no way out!

If you’re planning on traveling to a country currently experiencing civil unrest, ensure you have an up-to-date visa and proper documentation for your motorcycle. You don’t want to find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time because of some paperwork snafu!

Traveling through Africa on a motorcycle was an amazing experience

Traveling through Africa on a motorcycle was an amazing experience. You can see more, talk to more people, and get to places you would never have access to in any other way. You will be able to see the beauty of the land and the animals and, most importantly, meet people worldwide who share your passion for motorcycles.

The best thing about traveling on two wheels is that it allows you to explore every nook and cranny of Africa as you go along your journey from one destination to another. You’ll never run out of things to do!


There are many ways to experience Africa, but nothing quite compares with a motorcycle road trip. The open roads and vast landscapes offer a unique opportunity to explore this fascinating continent at your own pace and take in everything it has to offer. We hope our guide has helped you decide if this is the right trip for you!

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