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How to Zip/Unzip Files in Windows 10

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In technology, Zip refers to compressing the files to a smaller size so that space on the disk is saved. Zipping the heavy files makes it smooth to send them through the Internet.

The typical use of zipping files is to compress the heavy files and send them through the FTP server or allow the people at a different location to download them from a website. The file size can be trimmed using a zip option and also several files can be zipped together.

Windows 10 has an inbuilt tool that can specifically be used to compress and zip the files. Also, this inbuilt tool can also be used to unzip the files that are received in a zipped or compressed format. However, if you don’t own a Windows 10, there’s no need to worry about it.

There are a plethora of powerful file compression software available online that you can use to zip/unzip files effortlessly.  

How to Zip Files?

Zipping files is an excellent way to organize the documents and save up the important space on your system. The first step in zipping the files is to create a specific folder. Now you can put the files in this folder and also give a specific name. Now, right-click and select the option “Send to”. Doing this will take you to a new set of options. Now you should choose “Compressed (Zipped folder)”.

There is also an option available to choose multiple files and you can right-click on anyone out of these files and then all the files will be zipped under the selected name.  Since the process is a bit long hence it may take a few minutes to create the folder. You will get to see the progress bar and once the entire process is accomplished, all the files will be visible in a zipped folder.

Please make a note of the following while you zip the files:-

  • The JPEG images are in a highly compressed state so you should avoid zipping the numerous JPEG files into a single folder. The reason is there will not be a significant difference between the size of this compressed folder and the actual group of pictures.
  • You should refrain from zipping the encrypted files. The reason being the sensitive and personal information may get leaked as the files will be unencrypted during the process of unzipping.

 How to Unzip Files?

Unzipping the files is a simple process. Select the folder that you wish to extract or unzip. Now you have two choices either to unzip a single file or to unzip the entire folder. The respective processes to execute these options are as follows:-

  • To unzip all the files from a specific folder, you can hold, press, or simply right click and then select the option of “Extract all” to unzip the files at a different location/ folder.
  • If you wish to unzip a single folder or file then open the specific folder and simply drag the file or the folder (That you want to unzip) to a different location.

Zip Files in Windows 10

There are certain files that you wish to send to others but unable to send the same due to its huge size. Windows 10 has an option to reduce the size of the desired file to an extent so that you can share it without hassles. The process is pretty simple and given below:-

  • Select the folder where the file that you want to zip is placed.
  • You should select the file and right-click on it so that you get a dropdown menu. Now select the option of ‘send to’ from the dropdown menu and then choose the option of “Compressed (Zipped) folder)” in the sub-menu.
  • Windows 10 will follow the process of compressing the file and form a new zip file at a similar location along with the original file. You can see that the zipped file’s icon will be similar to a Windows icon.
  • The name of this new zipped file will be the same but with a zip. Extension in the end to differentiate. However, you have an option to rename this newly zipped file by pressing the “F2 Key”.

How to Zip Multiple Files in Windows 10

Apart from compressing the single file, you can also compress numerous files with consummate ease on Windows 10. This zipping option can be used in compressing the numerous files together and sending them to others. Given below is the process to compress multiple files:-

  • Go to the file explorer and then go to the files that you wish to compress.
  • Now you should choose all the files that you wish to compress. The selected files should reflect the blue color.
  • Now, right-click, go to the menu and select the option “Send To”.
  • Go to the sub-menu and select the option “Compressed (Zipped) folder”.
  • The selected files will be compressed in a zipped folder and it will be saved at the same place. The users can rename the folder’s name as per their wish.

Note: – This above-mentioned process can be carried out to compress or zip an entire folder so that it becomes easy to share the folder through an email that otherwise the Email service provider does not allow.

How to Unzip Files in Windows 10?

Till now, you have learned how to zip the files, multiple files & folders in Windows 10. Now, let’s check the process of unzipping the files in Windows 10 which is as follows:-

  • Go to file explorer and to the folder/files that you want to unzip.
  • Select the files/folder and then right-click on it.
  • Now select the “extract all” option from the drop-down menu.
  • You will be asked to select a new location for the unzipped files. Though, the default location will be the same as the zipped folder. You have an option to change the location of the unzipped files/folder as per your choice.
  • Once you have chosen the location, you can extract the files to the desired location.
  • Finally, the extracted files will be saved at the desired location.


Zipping/compression helps to reduce the size of the heavy files. You can then send them through an email or share it with others so that they can download it from a website. Zipping and unzipping files/folders in Windows 10 is an extremely easy process. You do not need to spend money to purchase any software as Windows 10 has a built-in tool to allow you to compress and zip the heavy files.

About Post Author

Anurag Rathod

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