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Your E-commerce Store with Top 10 Magento 2 Product Label Extensions

The Era of Magento and The Ease it Offers

Hey, fellow e-commerce enthusiasts and savvy merchants! Let me tell you about a game-changer in the e-commerce world—Magento! Picture this: a versatile, powerhouse platform that’s like the Swiss Army knife of online stores. It’s not just any platform; it’s the gold standard, the MVP, the crème de la crème for anyone diving into the world of digital retail.

Why, you ask? Well, Magento isn’t just about setting up a basic online shop. Nope, it’s a universe of possibilities! Think of it as your trusty sidekick, equipped with a jaw-dropping array of extensions. Seriously, hundreds of them! These extensions are like little superheroes, each one stepping up to help you out at every twist and turn of your e-commerce journey.

Do you have a specific need? There’s an extension for that! Need to spice up your product displays? Magento’s got you covered. Want to jazz up your site with killer functionalities? You bet there’s an extension for that too!

E-Commerce is All About Flexibility and Scalability

I mean, let’s be real here—when it comes to e-commerce, flexibility is key, right? And that’s precisely where Magento shines like a beacon of hope. It’s not just a platform; it’s a dynamic ecosystem that’s got your back, ensuring you can tailor your online store exactly how you want it.

So, if you’re in the business of creating a kick-ass online store that stands out from the crowd, trust me, Magento is the holy grail. With its treasure trove of extensions, it’s like having a toolbox filled with magical tools ready to turn your e-commerce dreams into reality.


Welcome to the captivating world of online shopping, where every click and visual flourish paints a canvas for the shopper’s experience. Today, let’s uncover the magic within the Top 10 Magento 2 Product Label Extensions. Join me as we explore these extensions, dissecting their features and unlocking their potential to transform your online store into an immersive journey.

1. Magento 2 Product Label & Stickers by FMEExtension

Imagine enhancing your product visuals with captivating labels and stickers. FME Extension’s Magento 2 product label extension, priced at $109.99, brings this enchantment to life.

Key Features:

  • Ready-made shapes to adorn product photos
  • Multiple labels per product
  • Customizable label placement on product images
  • Automated display of out-of-stock and most-viewed labels
  • Flexibility to apply labels based on conditions
  • Compatibility with Enterprise: 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x; Community: 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x

2. Magezon’s Product Label Extension

Think of your store as a stage and Magezon’s extension as the spotlight. Priced at $129, this extension empowers you to weave labels seamlessly across product pages, lists, and captivating category displays.

Key Features:

  • 21 positions for label placement
  • Tailored labels for diverse stages of your store
  • Time intervals for label appearance and disappearance
  • Magento market Approved

3. Magenest’s Product Labels

Magenest, offering its extension at $49 for Community and $149 for Enterprise, lets you compose a symphony of labels, expressing intricate details about your products.

Key Features:

  • Endless label variations
  • Diverse stickers for product embellishment
  • Tailored labels for specific categories

4. Sparsh Technologies’ Free Product Label Extension

For those seeking a free enchantment, Sparsh Technologies’ extension creates a visual masterpiece in your store, potentially boosting sales by up to 55 percent.

Key Features

  • Informative labels for discounts, arrivals, and promotions
  • Instant creation of eye-catching visuals
  • Configuration for conditional label display

5. Mageplaza’s Custom Labels

Priced at $129, Mageplaza’s extension turns each label into an artistic brushstroke, creating an enticing canvas for your products.

Key Features:

  • Pre-made templates for visually captivating product pages
  • Custom labels based on product attributes
  • Timed label display for a seamless narrative

6. Webkul’s Product Label Extension

Webkul invites you into a realm where each product narrates a unique story. Their $49 extension captivates visitors, transforming them into enchanted buyers.

Key Features:

  • Advertising masterpieces for your products
  • Interactive gallery of product image labels
  • Flexibility in label manipulation

Link: Webkul’s Product Labels Extension

7. Mconnect’s Ribbon Extension

Mconnect presents an extension priced at $79, where labels transcend mere identification, becoming a visual symphony for your products.

Key Features:

  • Product showcase with captivating labels
  • Automatic label display based on threshold quantities
  • Versatile labels for multiple products and categories

8. MageAnts’ Product Labels

At $89, MageAnts’ extension transforms product pages into an engaging saga. Each label adds an interactive element, narrating the uniqueness of your products.

Key Features:

  • Personalized labels for product uniqueness
  • Customizable color, position, and text
  • Compatibility with Magento 2.0.x – 2.4.x

9. Aheadworks’ Product Label 

Priced at $199, Aheadworks introduces an extension to showcase products adorned with custom labels, an efficient tool to boost sales and elevate your store’s appeal.

Key Features:

  • Customizable label design
  • Versatile label placement options
  • Different labels for consumer groups

Link: Aheadworks’ Magento Product Labels

BSSCommerce’s Product Label Extension

BSSCommerce’s extension at $119 emphasizes featured products with automatic label placement, adding visibility to your store’s key offerings.

Key Features:

  • Upload custom labels for various purposes
  • Drag & drop label positioning
  • Display labels based on consumer groups and store views


As you navigate through these Magento 2 Product Label Extensions, remember that the key lies in finding the extension that harmonizes seamlessly with your store’s aspirations. Each extension brings a unique melody to your visual storytelling, enhancing your products’ allure. Embark on this melodic journey, experiment, and elevate your online store with the perfect label extension for your unique narrative. Let your e-commerce symphony resonate with the harmonious notes of successful selling!