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Everything You Must Know Before Getting a Dental Crown

If you’ve found yourself in a situation where a tooth has been chipped or damaged, whether it’s due to an accident or gradual wear and tear, you understand the discomfort and confidence knock it can bring. But fear not, as dental crowns might just be the solution you need to restore both your smile and peace of mind.

So, what is dental crowns, and how can they help? Let’s delve into the details.

Understanding Dental Crowns:

The visible part of a tooth, coated with enamel, is referred to as the crown. Acting as a protective shield, a dental crown is an artificial cap or covering shaped like a tooth, designed to cover and reinforce damaged or treated teeth. In cases where a tooth’s surface is compromised, a dental crown serves to prevent further harm. These custom-made coverings are commonly recommended following procedures such as root canal surgery or dental implant placement.

Crafted with precision by dental technicians, each crown is tailored to fit perfectly. Your dentist considers various factors when recommending the ideal crown for you, such as the tooth’s location and function, gum line positioning, visibility, surrounding teeth color, and even habits like clenching and grinding.

When Might You Need a Dental Crown?

Beyond post-treatment scenarios like root canals or implants, dental crowns serve multiple purposes:

  • If a tooth remains vital but is cracked or broken, a crown can prevent further damage while maintaining its function.
  • Teeth with stains or irregular shapes that can’t be corrected through standard methods may benefit from crowns.
  • Dental bridges often require crowns to secure them in place effectively.
  • Large fillings with compromised structural integrity can be reinforced with crowns, preventing fractures.
  • Even children with decayed, non-vital teeth can benefit, as crowns help prevent premature shedding and developmental issues.


Now that we’ve covered why they’re necessary, let’s talk materials. Dental crowns come in various types, each with its unique benefits:

  • Metal crowns, made from materials like gold or alloys, offer unparalleled durability, making them ideal for molars.
  • Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns combine strength with natural aesthetics, suitable for front or back teeth.
  • All-resin crowns are affordable but may not last as long as other types.
  • All-porcelain or ceramic crowns provide the most natural appearance, perfect for front teeth.
  • Pressed ceramic crowns offer durability with a natural look, replacing metal liners in traditional ceramic crowns.

The Dental Crown Procedure:

Getting a dental crown typically involves 2-3 visits to your dentist. After assessing your tooth’s condition, any necessary preparation is done, which might include removing decayed portions or undergoing root canal treatment. The tooth and oral cavity are then precisely measured for the crown, with a temporary crown placed until the final fitting.

During the last visit, the permanent crown is fitted and cemented into place, ensuring comfort and functionality. Post-procedure care is crucial, involving regular dental hygiene practices and maintenance to ensure the longevity of your crown.

With this knowledge in hand, taking proactive steps towards your dental health, including scheduling an appointment for a dental crown if needed, becomes a straightforward decision.