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Pros and Cons of NodeJS Web App Development

Pros and Cons of NodeJS Web App Development

NodeJS is part of JavaScript, and we all understand just how JS has dominated the website development industry for several years. JS alone is accountable for Facebook, Google, Wikipedia, and most online pages for client-side surgeries. It is no more just a hand-held tool; the technology has shifted to cross mobile platform development and rear-ending NodeJS. Now developers are trying to utilize the same tech stack for the whole web job with no new language for server-side development.

NodeJS is this one tool that adjusts JS functionality and syntax to the back-end. Considering all of the popularity and headlines NodeJS is gaining these days, we must know everything about NodeJS. Right out of the basic features to benefits to each of good and awful, NodeJS will do to application development.

Pros and Cons of Node JS

The advantages and disadvantages of NodeJS development can be an issue of heated debate. Consequently, to set the record right, I have analyzed both to obtain what projects can function best with this particular technology.

Pros of Node JS:

Robust technology stack

Among many popular programming languages, JavaScript has proven to be an advertising leader. In that circumstance, NodeJS is a standalone title in the business. NodeJS now has more than 5 million downloads and over 1000 brand new contributors worldwide. If you utilize NodeJS for the back-end, you automatically leverage the pros of JavaScript development, for example:

  • Re-use and Code-sharing
  • Performance and rate
  • Quantity of free tools
  • Performance along with developer productivity
  • Effective knowledge sharing in Your staff

Scalable technologies for microservices

NodeJS is ideal for microservice architecture as it’s a lightweight technology tool. Instead of having a single, large monolithic heart, NodeJS divides the application logic into smaller modules called microservices that sets the groundwork for more growth and empowers better flexibility. Because of this, it gets a lot more reachable to incorporate more microservices alongside the existing ones.

Rich Ecosystem

The default NodeJS package manager, npm, acts as a marketplace for open-source Javascript applications, which is a substantial aspect of advancement in tech.

Strong Company assistance

Joyent affirmed the Evolution of NodeJS. Today, the listing of associations using NodeJS within their creative process is constantly evolving. This is the way NodeJS has outshined in the software industry since its release.

Seamless JSON support

Several other back-end technologies like PHP and Ruby on rails use the JSON format for communication; nevertheless, NodeJS does it without shifting between binary models. It comes in handy, especially when you need to develop easy APIs for NoSQL database support. This smooth communication with such data transport standards is a superb benefit of their NodeJS ecosystem.

Cons of Node JS:

Heavy Computation tasks:

Sometimes, when NodeJS receives a CPU-bound undertaking, the total CPU handles that request first and leaves additional asks on queues. This may lead to slow processing and also a delay from the loop.

Tooling Immaturity

Another little con of NodeJS is within its npm registry. Even though NodeJS is a stable technology, you can find specific tools in the npm registry that compromise quality. This will be unstructured the registry and also might influence the application’s interface. But again, this is a very small difficulty under infinite NodeJS benefits.

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