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sitting yoga poses

4 Best Sitting Yoga Poses and Their Benefits

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that aims to create a harmony between one’s mind and body through asanas of different types- sitting, standing and lying down paired with deep breathing techniques.

While the standing yoga poses require you to possess a considerable amount of strength, flexibility and stability, the sitting yoga poses are beginner friendly, easy to do and can be done for longer periods of time without getting tired. And so, if yoga is something that has been on your new year’s resolution or to-do list, it is these sitting yoga poses that you should start with. 

Keep scrolling for the list of 5 of the easiest to do sitting yoga poses and their positive effects on your body:

Paschimottanasana/ Seated forward fold

  1. Sit down with your back straight and legs stretched forward.
  1. Take a deep breath, slowly bend forward, as far as you can, by the pelvis on the exhale and relax. Try to keep your back straight. 
  1. You can either keep your hands on either side of your legs or touch your feet if they reach. Hold for a few seconds, rise slowly while inhaling and repeat. 


This pose stretches the back of your body, the hamstrings, glutes and calves.

Vajrasana/Thunderbolt pose

  1. Kneel with your back and shoulders straight and your buttocks on your heels. Your chin should not be tilted down or up.
  1. You can either keep your hands on your thighs with your palms down; or, you could make the anjali mudra i.e. join your palms together near your heart or even behind your back. 


This pose can be done after a meal as it helps improve digestion. It also strengthens your pelvic floor muscles, 

Janu sirsana/Head to knee pose

  1. Start from the usual staff pose- straight spine and neck, legs extended forward.
  1. Fold your left knee and rest your foot flat against your right inner thigh. 
  1. Lift your arms, flex your extended foot and slowly bend forward by the pelvis. 
  1. Hold onto your foot and hold the pose for a few breaths. Inhale while sitting back up, switch legs and repeat.


Stretches the inner thigh and hips, helps get rid of belly fat and relieves pain in the waist and back.  

Naukasana/ The boat pose

  1. Sit with your back straight, knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift your feet and make the half boat pose by bringing your shins parallel to the floor. Make sure to not let your spine curve even as it falls back partly. 
  1.  Now, straighten your legs and make a V shape with your body. Bring your hands up so they are parallel to the floor, palms up. Hold it for a few breaths, then exhale- release your legs, inhale- sit back up.


This pose helps strengthen abdominal muscles as well as the spine. It also improves digestive function.  – 

When you start practicing yoga after a long time or for the first time, the lack of flexibility can pose a problem and halt your yoga journey right at the start by demotivating you. These sitting yoga poses are the building blocks to achieving the right kind and degree of flexibility and strength required to do some of the more complex and difficult asanas. Keep doing a combination of these diligently and you will start to see the results soon!  

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