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using proper woods while cooking foods

Importance of using proper woods while cooking foods

These lower-quality softwoods can be burned in open fireplaces where airflow regulation is not an issue. However, wood stoves require higher quality fuel to ensure proper operation. It is essential for you to have a perfect set of processes to exit smoke from the living environment. There are some of the best hindware kitchen chimneys that can be used all the time to remove smoke and to have a fresh environment. If you are living in a commercial piece of land, it is recommended for you to check out sunflame kitchen chimneys to enjoy best results.

What about super-dry wood? Green wood burns more efficiently than wood that has been seasoned. Why wouldn’t dry wood burn better than green? Wood stoves can’t be used with soft woods.

Wood that is too dry, even hard wood, can cause combustible gases to be emitted too fast during the burning process. The stove burns quickly and furiously, so it is important to dampen the stove.

This can lead to a smokey fire in an “airtight” stove because there isn’t enough air into the stove for combustion. This results in unburned fuel, more creosote buildup, and more pollution.

Non-cat EPA-certified stoves won’t have a secondary combustion phase that can keep up with the rapid flow combustible gases. The result will be the same: more fuel wasted and more deposits in your flue.

The catalytic unit in a catalytic stove can overheat and cause damage.

Back puffing

Back Puffing is another potential problem for all three stove types.

Back Puffing is the emission of smoke from a wood stove that results in the ignition of a buildup of combustible gases within the firebox.

Back Puffing refers to small explosions that occur in the stove and cause smoke to rise through any available hole in the stovepipe or stove. This is due to a combination of low airflow and too-dry wood, or wood that has been split too small that it burns too quickly. Instead of gasses burning, they accumulate in the firebox. The firebox slowly releases oxygen, which ignites when there is enough.

Back Puffing can also be a reason to not burn items like pallets and kiln-dried wood blocks from woodshops.

Learn how to build a fire

You don’t need to be a firebuilder to succeed. The trick to a woodstove is to use enough kindling, small wood splits, and quick coal-forming tools to quickly build a solid bed. Next, add larger logs.

Tip #4: Avoid low, long fires. Avoid low-smoky fires, especially if your stove is “air tight”. Long burn times are a benefit. You will get less heat from wood if your fire is smoky.

How to tell if your fire is too low

After the fire has been started, wait about 30 minutes before you go outside to inspect the chimney. You should see a lot of smoke coming out of the flue. Either the stove is burning too hot, using inefficient firewood, and/or the stove itself is not working properly. If the stove is a catalytic one, it might not be working properly.

It sounds so obvious. Many people don’t take the time to look up at what’s coming from their chimney. Smoke coming from the chimney is a sign that your stove may not be working as it should.


Don’t heat the stove too much Some people believe it’s okay to let the stove burn cherry-red for a half hour, occasionally, in order “to remove all the flue.” This is a terrible idea! This not only damages your stove but also poses a fire risk to your home, your family and yourself.

Over-firing can cause stress to the stove’s structure, possibly causing warping, buckling, or worse, cracking. It will likely remove creosote deposits from the stove and stovepipe, and possibly even the flue. However, it can be dangerous! Creosote can burn at temperatures exceeding 2000 degrees. This is hot enough to cause damage to the chimney liner and potentially set the house ablaze.

It is similar to putting a torch on your gas tank to clean up an accident. This might work. You are asking for disaster.

Safety first, make sure to keep the stove at the right temperature.

Know your indicators

Learn how to read your stove and venting system. A buildup of creosote on the chimney is not a sign that it is time for a professional chimney cleaner to clean it. This is a sign that the stove isn’t working properly. It is a good idea to clean the stove more often. Listen to your chimney and find out what is wrong.

If your stove isn’t working as well as it used, you should have it checked. You might need to re-seal the doors or clean out the baffles or clean the chimney.

To troubleshoot your wood stove, refer to page 84. If you are unable to solve the problem, ask your chimney professional.

Chimney maintenance

Maintain your chimney and stove regularly. You should inspect and clean your chimney at least once a year. The stove should also be taken into consideration. Regular maintenance is also necessary. Clean out the ashes each spring after the heating season has ended. Use a flashlight to inspect the stove from all sides. Check for cracks, separations or other damage. To prevent rust in the summer heat, some people apply a thin coat of oil to the stove’s interior.

Stoves that are not enameled can be painted with stove paint to make them look brand new. The stove will start to smoke the first time it is lit. You should light the first fire when it is possible to open windows and ventilate the area.

Regularly check the door gaskets. Replace them if they become worn. Gaskets can make a significant difference in performance and efficiency, as well as prolonging the life of your stove.

How to inspect stove door gaskets. Hold a dollar bill in your hand and shut the door. Grab the dollar bill. If it’s easy to pull out, you need to adjust the doors or gasket them. The gasket should be OK if the dollar is in the container tightly. For any loose spots, check all around the door gasket.

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