There are various types of pain that a human body may experience, namely, mild, moderate, severe, acute, and chronic pain. This effective pain management technology helps you to get pain relief within a stipulated time period. There is another very popular kind of pain medicines known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), such as paracetamol and ibuprofen.
While Tramadol Medication treats chronic pain effectively with no or fewer side effects, NSAIDs, on the other hand, treats the milder versions of pain. NSAIDs are not suitable, and hence not prescribed for severe, acute or chronic pain.
Chronic pain, as the name suggests, is for present in your body for a longer period of time, and maybe more than 6 months. It is quite possible that the pain has intensified over time. Chronic pain is sometimes quite unbearable.
There are 3 widely accepted musculoskeletal pains which may turn chronic:
- Nociceptive pain
- Nociceptive inflammatory pain
- Neuropathic pain
The other types of pain felt in our body include:
- Acute pain – feels ‘sharp’ and short-term
- Chronic pain – a longer period of pain
- Breakthrough pain – sudden pain
- Bone pain
- Soft tissue pain
- Nerve pain
- Referred pain
- Phantom pain
- Total pain caused by emotional, social, and spiritual factors
Difference between acute and chronic pain
Acute pain is sudden and is usually caused by an injury. Acute pain is curable if the underlying cause is diagnosed and treated appropriately. Chronic pain may last for weeks/months and is usually associated with an underlying condition.
Chronic pain is any pain that may last for at least 12 weeks or more. Whereas acute pain is the normal sensation that alerts us to an injury or illness, chronic pain persists and hard to suppress, often for months or even longer. Chronic pain is found in 8 out of 10 American adults.
Acute pain is a type of pain that may typically last less than 3 to 6 months or pain caused by soft tissue damage such as a sprained ankle or a paper cut. Acute pain is a short duration pain gets cured as the injured tissues heal.
Common types of chronic pain include:
- headache
- postsurgical pain
- post-trauma pain
- lower back pain
- cancer pain
- arthritis pain
- neurogenic pain due to nerve damage
- psychogenic pain – not caused by disease, injury, or nerve damage
A few examples of chronic pain:
There are various types of diseases or infections that may cause chronic pain, such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, cancer, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, shingles, and AIDS; diabetes, shingles, multiple sclerosis, cancer, and AIDS can cause neuropathic pain.
What is the main cause of pain?
Chronic pain is usually caused by an injury, initially, such as a back sprain or pulled a muscle. Chronic pain may build up if the nerves become damaged. Pain caused by nerve damage is more intense and long-lasting.
Can you die from chronic pain?
Although rare, a sudden, Unexpected Death in Chronic Pain Patients may occur. Severe pain, if not treated on time, may cause sudden, unexpected death. Other patients die, without warning, in their sleep or are found collapsed on the floor after a chronic pain attack, May or may not be followed by a cardiac arrest.
How do you get diagnosed with chronic pain?
The doctor will conduct additional diagnostic tests that include:
- Laboratory testing of blood, urine, fluid from the spinal cord and brain
- Musculoskeletal or neurological tests to diagnose reflexes, sensation, balance, and coordination
- Imaging tests.
- Electrodiagnostic procedures
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