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dietary guidelines

Major Changes in the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have been jointly releasing a set of dietary guidelines for Americans every five years since 1980. The report is based on scientific evidence of health-promoting diets in the general U.S. population. It covers all three types of U.S. citizens – those who are healthy, those living with these diseases, and those at risk of diet-related diseases such as cancer, obesity, and heart diseases. 

Every American must know about the crucial aspects mentioned in new dietary guidelines by the two federal agencies mentioned above. Here we will look at the substantial changes mentioned in the dietary guidelines and updates to the latest nutritional recommendations — including what stayed the same and why.

The Most Significant Changes in the 2020 Dietary Guidelines –

The 2020-2025 dietary guidelines render dietary guidance for all life stages – from birth through older adulthood, including pregnancy and breastfeeding. The current dietary advice covers all significant aspects concerning infants and toddlers (up to 24 months) and even recommends the period to breastfeed only (minimum of 6 months). 

It also talks about the high risk of peanut allergy among infants (4-6 months) and when to introduce solid food to them and which solids to introduce. The new dietary guidelines also recommend the nutrients and foods that women should eat during pregnancy and lactation to meet their baby’s nutrient needs. 

However, the overall benchmarks of healthy eating (including promoting nutrient-dense foods and restricting overconsumption of specific nutrients associated with disease and poor health outcomes) have largely remained the same. 

Four Key Recommendations

Most Americans highly consume these four nutrients: added sugars, saturated fat, sodium, and alcoholic beverages. The consumption rate of these items is so high that it has become a part of their everyday life. These items are so harmful to weakening our immune system and metabolic strength to fight various diseases. 

The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines Have Specified The Limit of Each As Follows:

  • Limit added sugars consumption to less than 10% of calories per day for anyone aged two years and older and avoid added sugars entirely for infants and toddlers.
  • Limit saturated fat consumption to 10% of calories or less per day starting at age two years.
  • Check sodium to less than 2,300 milligrams (one teaspoon of salt) per day, beginning at two.
  • Limit alcoholic beverages intake to 2 drinks per day or less for men and one drink per day or less for women.

Other Key Recommendations

Following the state provided Dietary Guidelines, you can maintain a better health condition without pondering your head on various fitness articles. Fitness and health are not easy to maintain, yet if you get the right suggestion at the right time, it still is possible. 

Other than the sole four key recommendation, the guide includes some other basic recommendations too. Here we have cited them for you. Continue reading to learn more:

  • The new dietary guidelines also incorporated a call to action: “Make Every Bite Count with the Dietary Guidelines.” The purpose is to encourage people to pick healthy meals rich with all the nutrients our body requires while staying within their calorie limits.
  • The dietary guidelines focus on how you merge foods and drinks throughout your life as a continuous pattern. Research has confirmed, this pattern of food has the most notable impact on your health.
  • The dietary guidelines intentionally suggest food groups — not specific foods and beverages — to avoid being prescriptive. This structure allows people to make dietary guidelines their own by choosing foods items and drinks to meet their requirements and inclinations.

Final Words

The 2020-2025 dietary guidelines were released on December 28, 2020, with some significant changes. The revised guidelines included nutrition aspects that have never been addressed or touched before. The guidelines follow a detailed structure and a smooth flow and contain concrete information that closely allows people to understand the thorough instructions.

2020 has taught us all the importance of being healthy and fit. So, why don’t we take a healthy step today to be fit tomorrow and forever? The USDA and HHS have already defined the health lines, and it’s our turn no to think about our health. 

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