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liposuction neck surgery


Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure to get rid of excess fat from specific body parts. These body parts include the neck, face, buttocks, love handles, abdomen, etc. In today’s world where everyone is stuck in their busy lives, one hardly gets time to work out. And even if you work out, it is difficult to get rid of fat from some areas. The neck is a common example. And let’s be honest, having a double chin is embarrassing.

So, what can you do about it? Well, we are here to answer you! Liposuction is your elixir. It can provide drastic results and will make you more confident.

In this article, we will focus on liposuction neck surgery.


People aged between 20 and 50 have flexible and elastic skin and are eligible for surgery. Liposuction neck surgery can remove excess fat from your double chin as well as saggy skin on the neck. Doctors often advise patients to get a neck lift surgery and neck liposuction together. They also suggest procedures like facelift or chin augmentation.


While doing your research, you may come across neck lift and neck liposuction at the same time. And it can be confusing. Thus, let us understand the difference between a neck lift and neck liposuction.

Neck liposuction helps in removing excess fat from the neck and gives out a more defined jawline. This gives the neck, a more contoured look. On the other hand, a neck lift tightens the excess sagging muscles. When both are combined, you can get a youthful, leaner look. This also boosts your confidence.


Let us understand what are the risks of liposuction neck surgery.

1. Asymmetry in facial features

2. Anesthesia allergy

3. Nerve injury

4. Swelling

5. Bleeding

6. Scarring

There is also a possibility that you might not receive the desired results. Surgery is a complicated procedure and thus, you should be open to your surgeon about your expectations of the surgery. Make sure to ensure that your goals post-surgery are realistic and not mere fantasies.


As the surgery ends, you may experience a little discomfort. Swelling and pain are common near the face and neck. Your doctor may advise you to apply antibiotic ointments in the areas where the doctor made incisions. You are advised to avoid the sun or get an excessive amount of water on the face and chin for some days.

The recovery time solely depends on the type of surgery you opted for. For instance, chin liposuction takes usually a few days to a week to return to work. For a neck lift, you must rest for about two weeks and then return for work. In addition to this, you should also arrange for someone to drive you back. Also, do not forget to bring comfortable clothes with you to wear after surgery.

With the advice of your doctor, you may begin to have soft meals and snacks. In some days or weeks, you will have a new and confident version of yourself!

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