It is not very difficult to take care of the teeth. At the time of eating also, helping your teeth is possible. You can avoid tooth decay by choosing the right food and following the patterns of healthy eating. It has been said by ADA (American Dental Association). We can also say that your oral health as well your teeth can have a negative effect if you choose unhealthy food. Now I am going to tell you about the foods that clean teeth as you eat.
What is the effect of the food on the teeth?
In order to keep your mouth healthy, take that food which is high in protein. In addition to this vegetables, fruits, cereals, low sugar bread and whole grains are also very good. Your mouth will secrete saliva when you will chew foods that are fibrous, watery, coarse and firm. Vegetables and fruits have these qualities. So, it will be good to eat these.
Some of the best foods for the teeth
Your teeth can be free from acid, bacteria and can also stay strong if you take a number of healthy foods. This has been said by ADA. Sometimes a person suffering from sensitivities or allergies cannot take the above-mentioned foods. It will be good for him to go with some other options which are as follows:
1.Cheeses and yogurt – A lot of saliva will be produced in your body if you will take milk, yogurt, cheese and other dairy products. The saliva protects the teeth. Your teeth will become strong if you will take protein and calcium rich foods like yogurt and cheese. Your digestive system will remain fit if you will take beneficial bacteria or probiotics that are present in yogurt. The yogurt that you will take needs to be free from sugar or unsweetened. You can add honey in it. If you have sensitivity or allergy to the milk or its products you can take cashew milk, soy milk or almond milk that are rich in protein and calcium.
2.Leafy greens, celery and carrots – There are less calories and a large number of health benefits of eating vegetables. For keeping the enamel healthy and cleaning the mouth, the saliva can be produced by the vegetables. The minerals and vitamins are also present in the vegetables.
Less calories and more minerals and vitamins are present in collard greens, chard, spinach or kale which are leafy greens. Your health can remain fit if you will take B vitamins, folic acid and calcium that are present in leafy greens. Smoothie and salad having leafy greens will be good for your health.
What is the reason behind celery, carrots and apples helping your teeth?
Eating an apple is much better than having a dessert or a candy bar. Your body can get fiber and hydration from apples. It is possible to secrete saliva in a good amount if you will eat apples instead of sugary treats. Your teeth can be free from bacteria as well as from those food particles that are left over by eating celery. Vitamin A, vitamin C and fiber are present in celery and carrots.
3.Lean proteins, nuts and tea – Ingredients that fight plaque are present in green tea and in unsweetened black tea. For keeping your teeth healthy, take food containing protein and phosphorus like tofu, poultry, fish and meat. These are basically lean proteins. A low sugar, protein and calcium rich food is almonds.
Why should you avoid sweets and snacks?
In between the meals, eat as few snacks as possible and it has been recommended by ADA. The sugar is high in typical snacks. The acid that damages the tooth cannot be neutralized completely if you will consume snacks frequently. This acid can be harmful for your teeth.
4.Take more water and less beverages – Don’t take too much wine, soda, juice and other sugary beverages. It is because acid will be created in your teeth when the bacteria will start eating these food items. Drink more and more water so as to keep your oral hygiene.
If I have a dental problem then I will visit the dentist near me. He will provide me the treatment for any kind of dental problem.
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