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Brain Increased Productivity

How To Hack Your Brain For Increased Productivity

Ever seen people who are just effortlessly good, organized and productive? How do they do it? You might have asked yourself these questions once in your life. 

What if I tell you that you can also be high on achievement and productivity? But how is this possible? 

If you are reading this I believe that you are looking for ways to boost your work productivity. In this blog, we will talk about the reasons why are you feeling unproductive and techniques that you can use to hack your brain for increased productivity.

If this interests you then stay with us!

What Makes You Unproductive?

If you have ever been to a monastery, you will see that monks are meditating in front of a huge Brass BuAddha Statue for many hours. The thing about their focus is that they didn’t reach this state overnight but, after sheer hard work and working on themselves and their problems.

Similarly, firstly we are going to talk about the reasons that could be the problem spots which are responsible for your unproductivity. We have made a list of all the possibilities responsible for this.

1. Sleep Deprivation

As simple as that sounds sleep plays an important role in our body. When we are asleep we not only get recharged but also flush out all the toxins out of our brain. All these things are essential for survival and optimal functioning. 

When we don’t get enough sleep continuously, we get into sleep deprivation. This affects our whole system negatively. On average an adult should sleep at least 7 hours per 24 hours. 

If you are getting any less than this then you might be sleep-deprived. This condition hinders the ability to focus as well as to think clearly which contributes to a lack of concentration and hence decreased productivity. 

2. Constant Multitasking

As productive as that sounds, the reality is that constant multitasking will reduce the attention as well as concentration span of an individual. 

According to Standford University, people who are accustomed to heavy multitasking get distracted far more times compared to people who are light on multitasking. 

If you are someone who multitasks and claims to be good at it, then we have news for you. In the study conducted by Stanford University, it was found that people who claimed to be good at multitasking have a lower quality of work submitted when compared to people who did one task at a time.

3. Burnt Out 

What is burnt out? When a person experiences physical, emotional and mental fatigue on an extreme level then it is called being burnt out. What are the symptoms one feels when we are burnt out?

  • Fatigue 
  • Mental exhaustion 
  • Hair loss
  • Loss in appetite 
  • Short temper
  • Trouble sleeping 
  • Overthinking 

If you are feeling more than two symptoms at one time then you might be burnt out.

4. Overwhelming Tasks

Are you always working? Do you have a ton of tasks to be done at the same time? Are you overwhelmed? Being overwhelming can be understood as drowning in your thoughts and emotions which paralyses a person when they are thinking about their life and its problems.  

How Can You Trick Your Brain Into Doing More Work?

Finally, we are the highlight of this blog where we are going to talk about tricks that you can use to hack your brain into doing more work. 

In the previous section, we have listed a few things that might be the reason behind your low productivity. If you read it carefully then you will realise that the main cause for low productivity is lack of focus. 

No matter what if you are unable to focus then you will be unable to complete your task quickly and effectively. 

By keeping this in mind, we have made a list of hacks that will guarantee a boost in productivity if you use them in your life. The list is written down below:

1. Cancel Out Distraction 

A simple yet effective measure that you can use to maintain focus. To do more work, one must be able to focus without feeling distracted. 

A sure way to achieve it is to simply remove them as much as you can. Some ways to do so are:

  • Put your phone on silent mode. 
  • Turn off all the notifications. 
  • You can use focus mode on your smartphone, 
  • Complete one task at a time.
  • Focus on tasks which are high priority. 

2. Try Meditation 

As cliche as it sounds, practising meditation is one of the most effective ways to improve your focus as well as your concentration span. 

If you find it hard to meditate you can use a Brass Buddha Statue to use as an anchor for your mind. Many believe that a Buddha statue brings positivity and clarity to one’s life. 

According to a study conducted in Detroit, it was seen that the productivity of the employees rose by 120 percent! Which is very 


3. Pomodoro Technique

Pomodoro is the Italian word for tomato. The origin of this technique was from a kitchen timer which is for 25 mins. This technique is also called the Tomato technique. Don’t worry you don’t need any tomato for this technique.

The principle of this technique is time blocking. In this technique, the person has to work for 25 minutes without any interruption. After you are done with it. Take a 5-minute break and then continue to work for 25 mins again. 

If you take longer work duration take longer breaks. With the help of this technique, we can give ample time for our brain to recharge so that it can freshen up itself. 

4. 1-minute technique

This is a great rule for people who get confused and overwhelmed with all the tasks. If this is you then you can use this technique. 

So what happens in this technique is that you have to make a list of all the tasks that you can do in one minute or look for the task that can be done within a minute. 

Things like replying to an email or just sending one will not only help to finish a task but also get it off our to-do list. 


We have reached the end of this blog which is about ways through which you can hack your brain to increase productivity. We started off by explaining the reasons behind the low productivity. Then we talked about various techniques that can be used to trick your brain into being more productive.

Hope you found this blog informative. 

That’s all for now. Thank you for reading till the end.