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5 Reasons Your SEO Is Not What It Could Be

You hired an SEO company to generate more leads. Unfortunately, three months have gone by and SEO strategies are not working effectively for you. As a result, frustration mounts and you begin to question if SEO marketing was the right step for your business or did you hire the wrong company. This has happened to most of us but doubting SEO marketing is not the right approach. In fact, you need to dig a little deeper and look for reasons that are affecting your SEO strategies. So, here is a post that will help you give an insight into how Google ranks websites and why some websites never rank.

Poor website design experience

Take a closer look at your website design and navigate through all the landing pages. Can you navigate through the website easily? Does your website look great on all devices? Is your website catering to the customer’s requirements? If the answer to all these questions is a maybe and no. You definitely need to optimize your website design as soon as possible.

Loading speed is slow

Back in 2010, Google considered factors like links, quality content, authority and relevance more than loading speed. However, since smartphones and people’s attention span define how long will they stay on your website. The speed of your website is noticeably one of the important ranking factors. So, test the loading speed of your website because people will expect your website to load within two seconds. Not only this but poor loading speed also means is equivalent to an increased bounce rate. So, there should be no excuse for not optimizing your website for speed.

Little or no content for the targeted keywords

Your business will revolve around certain keywords. In other words, if you are not generating content for business-oriented keywords, it is likely that your SEO content strategy will not work. So, make sure you have content that is optimized for SEO. Use as many good tools to find the best keywords and then incorporate them in video and written content.

Lack of inbound links

Yes, link building is an old strategy but it still holds a relevant position in the digital marketing space. Google algorithms still rank websites who have earned valuable links. In other words, link juice should be an integral part of your SEO strategies. This means that Google algorithms will look at how you have earned the links than the quantity of links. But make sure you don’t buy links in surplus and think that an easy way will help you get on the top of the SERPs. Link building is connected with creating a good user experience. Links will also establish the trust and authority of your website. So, if your content is lacking relevant links it is quite possible that you will never rank lower than you expected.

Use of manipulative SEO

Though this is not entirely your mistake yet you need to be careful of competitors and third-parties who generate exact links as yours to make it look like you are manipulating the SEO strategies. This is also called negative SEO and Google recently stated that it makes sure competitors do not influence or harm your ranking. This is why Google is making sure that there is no room for negative SEO and aggressively discarding links that are spam.

Over-optimized content

Creating optimized content is fine as long as you are not over-optimizing it. This means that you have to make sure your content is not stuffed with keywords. Adding minimum keywords will help but adding the same keyword ten times will have a negative effect on ranking, readability, and more importantly user experience. Not only this but an over-optimized content will look bad and add less value to potential customers.

SEO strategies are outdated

This is one of the most vital things that we tend to forget while concentrating on creating a good SEO strategy. An SEO strategy is pointless if it is outdated. For example, creating content that is not optimized for voice search. Voice search is trending rapidly and people now search for everything with the help of Siri, Google Assistant, or Alexa. So, ensure that your content is based around phrases and questions people search for. Also, most websites are now making video content. So, it would be foolish to stick to old strategies and never optimize your website according to the new marketing trends. So, make sure you are doing everything right and before you get into the nitty and gritty of digital marketing, consider taking help from professionals like Abbotsford SEO. 

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