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transmission of hiv

HIV: A Brief Overview of Transmission and Diagnosis

HIV is a Lentivirus, which infects the body’s cells and attacks the immune system making an individual ill and easily exposed to any diseases. This gets transmitted through unprotected sex, blood fusion, and even cuts or open tissues in the body.

The Connection between AIDS and HIV

An individual who is having the contracted HIV has all the possibilities to develop AIDS. HIV progress in three stages, which are:

  • Stage 1: It is one of the acute stages, the first two or three weeks after the transmission.
  • Stage 2: This is the chronic stage or known as the clinical latency.
  • Stage 3: AIDS

HIV reduces the CD4 cell counts; hence the immune system becomes extremely weak. The normal count of CD4 cells in adults is 600 to 1600 per cubic millimetre. A patient who has less than 200 CD4 cell count is confirmed to have AIDS.

When an individual is HIV positive, this remains in that person for the rest of their lives. With the proper treatment, this will be in control, and without treatment, this also becomes chronic and results in AIDS. At present the HIV does not have any cure; regular treatments can only control it.

If HIV does not have a cure, it is evident that AIDS also has no cure. Regular treatment is quite significant for HIV patients; these treatments keep the CD4 cells count high. HIV and AIDS are related, but they are not the same. The symptoms of HIV are quite dissimilar in various stages; hence this is a bit hard to understand properly.

Transmission of HIV

There are numbers of people out there who are carrying the HIV in them can easily spread this by their fluids like:

  • Rectal and vaginal fluids
  • Blood
  • Semen
  • Breast milk

Thy ways in which an individual can transmit HIV to other people are as follows:

  • Through physical intimacy, it is one of the most common methods of transmission.
  • Sharing different objects like syringes, needles, or injections.
  • Sharing the tattoo equipment without correctly sterilising it after every use
  • Breastfeeding
  • During labour, delivery, or pregnancy, the baby can get the virus while being born.
  • Pre-chewing the baby’s food before giving them to the baby

There are a few people who experience only a few of those early symptoms. Some out there will have no symptoms at all, which is why a consistent HIV test happens to be so imperative. HIV gets transmitted through tissue and also organ transplant. There are plenty of transmission methods available, but the opportunity of transmission through those ways is quite less.

  1. Unprotected sex; if the infected person has open sores or bleeding gums.
  2. Bitten by HIV positive person; if that person contains bloody saliva and open sores
  3. Contact between wounds, mucous membranes, and broken skin

Key to Early Diagnosis

HIV infection is considered as one of the difficult situations that a person can get himself into. Though there have been plenty of media-based courses available through the Internet and television, various people are unaware of the dangers and possible effects of the virus on the body.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV is one of the serious illnesses that gradually deteriorate the immune system. According to WHO or World Health Organisation, this can affect as much as 25 million people or at least 0.6% of the world’s population.

Consequently, active sexually are recommended to experience some HIV examination to tract any possibility of an HIV strain. Though this is a very common thought that HIV and AIDS are similar, they are different. For defining the utmost difference between the two people should illustrate the two separately.

HIV is one of the major types of virus that fit into the group or cluster known as the retrovirus. When the virus starts swelling, it produces all over a victim’s entire body system, categorised as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS.

Facts to Know about HIV

In recent times, doctors suggest a few series of tests to detect whether a person is carrying HIV or not. This has become a protocol for the test of HIV. Initially, a health care practitioner from the reputed chamber or medical clinic would surely carry out the utmost sequence of HIV testing for verifying the presence of HIV in the system.

Next, a biochemical method employed in immunology called the ELISA or enzyme-linked immune-absorbent testing assessment will be used to test the patient’s blood.  Sexual dysfunction is considered one of the major and common problems in people with HIV.

This is also connected to erectile dysfunction, reduced sex drive, and difficulty reaching orgasm. Premature ejaculation is related to psychosocial factors that are the same in all sexual dysfunctions related to HIV. There are a few symptoms available of the disease, such as:

  • Dry cough
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Memory loss
  • Anxiety issue
  • Nervousness
  • Neurological disorders
  • Pneumonia
  • Strange blemish or white spots are seen on the victim’s tongue
  • Recurring fever
  • Sore mouth and throat

Whenever these signs of any of those signs are vigilant in a person, they should undergo the tests. Once they go through the tests, they will understand whether they have HIV or not. However, being ill ceaselessly or having flu or colds frequently is not always any sign of infection.

This is quite significant to note that people might not exhibit any symptoms at the point of infection, which means that the signs and symptoms may be quite dormant for months or even years.

Though there are plenty of medical chambers available that help you go through the tests, choosing the best one is very important. You need to take help from the right doctor. You should note that considering a reputed chamber or clinic will be helpful.

If you wish to get the procedure done in a proper manner and smoothly, then you will have to consider taking suggestions from the doctors. They can assist you with all the details of the process.

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