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Who is the Best Psychiatrist for Depression Treatment in Jaipur?

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Doctor  Sanjay Jain is the best psychiatrist of Jaipur with experience of more than 14 years. 

When you have depression, then you feel sad and lost interest in the thing that you loved previously. Other names of depression are depressive disorder or clinical depression. It can drive many emotional and physical problems, and it affects how you feel, behave, think. When you are depressed, you feel like life isn’t worth living; you feel trouble in doing normal day-to-day activities. 

Depression isn’t a weakness. Many times if your condition is critical, then it may take a long-term treatment. With the use of medications and therapies or both in the combination, you can feel better, and you don’t have to feel worried about it. 

Depression can be critical, and it can affect your life. But it is treatable and doesn’t have to feel sad about it. People with depression cannot do their typical day-to-day life activities and work. If you feel like you have depression, then you should consult a psychiatrist for the treatment and counselling.

If you are from Jaipur or nearby places and need psychiatric services to treat depression problems, then you should consult the best psychiatrist of Jaipur. 

Sanjay Jain is the best psychiatrist of Jaipur, as he is very experienced in psychiatry. He has been working as a psychiatrist for the past 14 years. 

He is very experienced when it comes to treating depression problems with medications. Along with using medications, he also uses other options of treatment like psycho-education, therapies, or lifestyle changes. He allows his patients to be a part of the decision-making process to choose the best mediations and treatment plans for treatment. He also discusses all the possible side effects of the medication with the patients.  

According to Sanjay Jain is the best psychiatrist of Jaipur of 2020. 

Reasons to Choose Psychiatrist Sanjay Jain 

  • Experience of more than 14 years
  • Tops the list of 2020 best psychiatrist of Jaipur by
  • Worked on more than 15 international research projects held on various psychiatric disorders
  • Registered member of Rajasthan medical council
  • Worked as a CRA in 3 international research projects held on depression and schizophrenia
  • Published paper in Indian Journal of Research on NLR ratio in a patient with depression

Symptoms of Depression

People experience depression once in their whole life, but some people have multiple episodes. The symptoms occur most of the time in the day and almost every day during the episodes, and it includes: 

  • When you have a feeling of sadness, hopelessness, or exhausted
  • When you feel angry, frustrating on every small matter
  • When you lose interest in normal activities such as watching your favourite shows, sports. 
  • When you have the disturbance in sleep, liking not sleeping well or sleeping too much
  • When you have a lack of energy, and you have to take more time to do small tasks.
  • When you suddenly lose weight or gain weight 
  • When you feel anxiety, restlessness, confusion 
  • When you’re thinking, speaking, body movements are slowed down
  • When you feel worthless, start feeling guilty, or you blame yourself for past failures.
  • When you are troubling in thinking, concentrating, and decision making
  • When you have thoughts of death, suicide
  • When you have physical problems such as back pain or headaches

Many people with depression symptoms find it hard to do day-to-day activities like going to school, work, social activities and relationships with others. Many people feel unhappy without any specific reason. 

If you feel any of these symptoms in yourself or your family members, friends, then you should consult a psychiatrist for the treatment. Depression problems can get worse from time to time if not get treated timely. It would be best if you visited a psychiatrist for the treatment. 

Best psychiatrist of Jaipur is Doctor Sanjay Jain. Psychiatric was always his dream branch. His ultimate goal is to heal the minds of patients so that they can live a healthy and happy life, and they can bring out the maximum potential of themselves. He creates awareness about mental health issues so that everyone who is suffering from it can get timely treatment rather than suffer from it. 

Causes of depression 

There are many factors involved in causing depression. The exact causes are still unknown. Some of them are:

  • Biological differences: physical changes happen in the brain of people who are suffering from depression. No one knows the exact reasons. 
  • Brain chemistry: neurotransmitters play a role in depression. Neurotransmitters are commonly happening in brain chemicals.
  • Hormones: Depression is also caused by changes in the body’s balance of hormones.  
  • Inherited traits: if your parents or other family had depression, then you have more chances of getting it.   

If you feel any of these causes in yourself or see them in your relatives, then you should visit a psychiatrist as soon as possible for the treatment. Depression can get worse from time to time if not timely treated. Best psychiatrist of Jaipur is Sanjay Jain, and you must visit him for the treatment. He uses all types of treatment like psychotherapy, other therapies, medications, etc. he has been working as a psychiatrist for the past 14 years. 

Treatment for Depression 

Living with depression can be challenging, with the treatment, you can improve your quality of life. Consult a psychiatrist for possible options of treatment. 

Many times symptoms can be managed successfully with one form of treatment, or you have to use a combination for treatments.

The following options of treatment are: 

  • Medications 

The psychiatrist may prescribe: 

  • Antianxiety
  • Antidepressants
  • Antipsychotic medications

Every medication which is used for treatment has its benefits and risks.

  • Psychotherapy

A therapist can help you learn new skills to manage negative feelings and thoughts. Family and group therapy sessions can also be beneficial. 

  • Light therapy

It can help your mood and improve the symptoms of depression if you use doses of white light.

  • Exercise

You should do exercise or other physical activities for 30 minutes for 3-5 days a week. Exercise can help you increase your mood.  

  • Avoid alcohol and drugs 

Drugs and alcohol can worsen your depression and anxiety problems.

Risks of stopping medication

Never stop taking antidepressants without consulting with your doctor. Antidepressants are not addictive, but physical weakness can happen to your body. 

Stopping medication in between treatment can be harmful for symptoms and depression can get worse.   


You feel sad and lose your interest in things you loved once when you have depression. Everyone should get timely treatment for depression. For the best treatment, you should visit psychiatrist Sanjay Jain. With an experience of more than 14 years, he is the best psychiatrist of Jaipur

He provides treatment for all types of psychiatrist problems like anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, OCD, child psychological problems, psychotherapy, social phobia, substance abuse disorder, migraine, old age psychiatry, memory clinic, psychosomatic disorder.  

About Post Author

Anurag Rathod

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