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Top 10 Tips to Creating the Ideal Website Homepage Design

Why is homepage design important?

It is without a doubt that websites have become a crucial part of any internet user’s life.  A homepage is extremely impactful for any user as it is the first impression of any organization.  A website homepage design decides whether a viewer stays on your website or leaves. The few seconds that your homepage loads are the most crucial, which is why creating the ideal website homepage design is crucial.  As a company, one of the ways you can make sure that your website has an attractive homepage is by availing the services of any website design services

Tips for best website homepage design

As you read on, you will find ten tips that can help you create a better website homepage design.

Reduce load times 

One of the biggest reasons that people leave a website within the first minute is because it took too long to load. The best way for you to reduce your load time is to use lightweight images and graphics. An ideal website homepage design keeps in mind that people may have slower internet speeds. This should not stop anyone from viewing your website. 

Simplify your designs

Complexity is the one thing that you want to avoid when creating websites. The best way to ensure that you can reach your audience instantly is with simple designs. Simplicity here is literally the key to a healthy and more attentive audience. 

Easy on the eye

If a viewer decided to scroll down your website as soon, it loads, they should be able to scan whatever is on your homepage. Design, text and graphics that are easy on the eye attract a lot more viewers, and they tend to read everything that is on the homepage. 

Have a prominent navigation menu

Most websites have a drop-down menu for their navigation menu, but a good website homepage design should keep the menu accessible. A viewer is not likely to browse the rest of your website if your navigation menu is hidden or has to be accessed through interaction. 

Use real photos

By real pictures, we don’t only mean landscapes but also humans. Seeing pictures of other humans add the factor of relating to the people in the photos. The viewer’s psychology takes over, and they are much more likely to spend more time on your website. 

Use short videos 

Using short videos in the form of GIFs in your website homepage design is a good and attractive technique. Many products can benefit from a video on the front page as videos attract viewers and also force them to stay until the end. This makes them stay longer on the website. 

Use copywriting to gain trust

One of the ways in which you can gain customer trust is by using copywriting to make certain phrases prominent in your website homepage design. Phrases such as ‘return applicable within a week’ or ‘try for free now’ allows the customer to feel satisfied. 

On point detail

Within your website homepage design, you should keep information concise. A homepage should be a summary of your business. Website Valley can be taken as an example of providing an attractive and concise homepage for its visitors. 

Try a chatbot design

Any form of help is always appreciated by the viewers. Having a live chat design on your homepage will help in different ways. Visitors can receive guidance on your brand, product and services offered. 

Call to action button

You would have definitely seen an Apply Now button as a part of many website homepage designs. Website designers often use these call to action button to force the customer into buying a product. These buttons have different words on them that link them to the shopping or subscription section of the website. 

Have the best website on the internet

With the tips mentioned above you can be sure to have one of the best website designs on the internet. You will be able to find a steady growth in viewers by following even a few of the tips.

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