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circle hole saw blades

How to use the Circle Hole Saw Blades

How to use the whole saw blade set. If you have your own, We wanted to let you know 12 different source sets, circular saw sets. there’s a total of 16 pieces. Every Brand has a different -2 type of pisces Set 6pcs, 11pcs, 12pcs, 16pcs. We wanted a wider variety of all of the different size circles. 

How to use the different saw circular saw blades

It works best on the drill press and on the drill press. You can create the circles without the holes in the middle. we are a couple of ways toolset under the net? we’re going to loosen that up and then you can take the screw part right out and just put it right back on, and then you can just simply set that into a circle. 

It’s going to hold it into place, that little plate, and then put them back on, and then you just simply put it into your drill press, and then on your drill press, you just lower it each time. Just hold it with your goal. Hold one hand with your cord and lower the machine and then the cuts that it’s really simple. you don’t have the circle if yours is a little bit different. 

We simply take the night off. We loosen it up and then we just move that up and tighten it. what we’re doing, that piece isn’t separate, but all you’re doing is moving that up high enough. So when you drill that doesn’t hit the cord and you just get one solid circle. 

If you do have a hand at all, we’re going to go ahead and leave that part on. 

We usually work on a cutting board just so if we happen to run into anything. It is going to hit that first, first, use a rubber glove to help hold on to it and we get that first bit and left, right and center, and go slow. It works better if you have two people to hold on to it unless you got that silver one, and then the rest is pretty well easy because you’ve kind of incurred debt. 

You want to be working flat down there. It will sometimes get caught up in individual press really does work a lot easier. You have to pop the guy out. Sometimes We’ll come right out, We were right on the edge of the gourd, it’s a little bit tougher if you’re in the middle of a gourd piece, it’s a lot easier. Then we have our little circle all right now and we’ve got our holes drilled now. 

We take them over to my belt sander and We lay them on top and just smooth the bottoms out. You can do the sides that way. Or sometimes We just cut so clean that you don’t even need to worry about that. If it’s a little bit rough, you can send it by hand or you can send it with the sand or your belt sander takes a little bit of spinning and touching. you might do it by hand or with a hand sander in the very beginning. 

You get that technique down. If you did not want the hole and you had to do it with your drill, take and put it quickly in the middle and then make that nice and smooth and then just sand that off a little bit, and then you don’t have to worry. You’ve covered up to your hole. There is another way to work around that. We did that quite a bit in the beginning when I first started doing all of my circles and everything.

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