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Importance of Invisalign retainers – freeze your perfect smile for life!

Importance of Invisalign retainers – freeze your perfect smile for life!

Invisalign is one of the most popular treatments all over the world to straighten the teeth. It is also uniquely popular in the UK. In the following section of this post we will not discuss anything Invisalign but rather discuss about retainers, which are a crucial element in Invisalign treatments. Invisalign retainers are simply as important as Invisalign itself. 

Once Invisalign straightens your teeth, the teeth will not remain straightened on their own. The day you stop wearing your aligner trays, as your treatment ends, your teeth will start sinking back into their initial position before the treatment. This phenomenon of the teeth to shift back into their initial position is natural and in dentistry terms they call it relapsing of the teeth. In order to prevent your teeth from relapsing into their original position even after successful completion of your treatment Invisalign retainers are a reliable appliance.

After the completion of your Invisalign treatment, these retainers play the crucial role of reminding your teeth to remain straight although the appliances serve the reminder gently and purposefully. Every patient has undergone the cutting-edge treatment to straighten the teeth and has invested their time, effort, perseverance and expense of Invisalign aligners is entitled to get either a fixed or a removable retainer points out a dentist in London renowned for offering affordable and cheap Invisalign offers in London over the years. The natural teeth are likely to shift on their own as we age. Invisalign retainers cater to a number of benefits during the post treatment stage. The benefits include the following –

  • Closing gaps between the teeth
  • Correcting bite issues
  • Avoiding the problem of teeth overcrowding 
  • Prevents bruxism or grinding of teeth while sleeping in the night

Will just an Invisalign retainer is enough or something especial

Before your Invisalign treatment comes to an end, your treatment provider will pick up the type of retainers that suits your teeth the best. Dental professionals decide on this matter based on certain factors which include the following –

  • Stabilising of your gums as well as the tissues in the bones
  • Pressure from your tongue and the lips

These factors along with a few more help a dentist decide on the best kind of retainers for your teeth along with the length of time for which you have to be on retainers.  

Retainers for Invisalign patients

Retainers that are meant for Invisalign patients are just like Invisalign aligners both in look and feel and remain virtually invisible in your mouth. It is important to mention that the overwhelming majority of patients who undergo Invisalign treatment have to wear retainers to maintain their straightened teeth achieved through the treatment. Usually this range of retainers lasts a few years but in course of time you have to replace an existing appliance with a new one. Your treatment provider or regular dentist is the best resource to recommend you the retainer that suits you the best. Moreover, these dental professionals are also your best bet to suggest you when you should replace your orthodontic retainer set with a new one. 

In a way orthodontic retainers are much the same as a pair of eyeglasses; some people need to change their eyeglasses once in a decade whereas others may have to replace it every year. In other words the life of retainers varies from case to case and person to person depending on how much an appliance is in use. Many Invisalign providers offer patients with the option of pre buying several sets of these retainers when their Invisalign treatment is about to end. If you are offered such a deal you should better grab it then and there. So you will not have to worry about your orthodontic retainers which you will need a little later. 

Hawley retainers after orthodontic teeth straightening

Hawley retainers are a popular type of retainers often recommended by dentists and orthodontists after orthodontic straightening of the teeth with Invisalign clear aligners. According to a dentist who offers one of the cheapest Invisaligns in London the range of retainers is made of two major components – plastic and metal. However this range of retainers is recommended by dental professionals based on certain criteria – like the condition from which your teeth started getting straightened and exactly is needed to maintain their straightened position. 

Permanent or fixed retainers

A permanent retainer (which is also called fixed retainer) is yet another option that is used to protect your investment on Invisalign. The appliance involves a tiny wire which is carefully placed on the back surface of the teeth either in the front upper or the front lower row. This range of retainers can be used for indefinite period of time to make sure your teeth stay in corrected position and do not ever sink back into back into their initial position before the treatment. 

It is important to note that every variety of orthodontic retainers that exists including Invisalign retainers is a crucial part to uphold the results and secure your investment on orthodontic treatment in the long run. 

Now in the following section of the post let us discuss another crucial topic, Invisalign success rate. This topic, as it is obvious, is relevant to the one discussed above.

Invisalign success rate

Success rate of Invisalign is by and large quite impressive. The overall success rate of the treatment is 96% which means 96 of every 100 patients who complete the treatment of straightening the teeth using Invisalign aligner trays achieve their desired results and are counted among satisfied patients. The standard duration of the treatment is anywhere between 9 and 12 months although complex cases may take longer time while more moderate cases may end up faster than 9 months.  

Reasons for higher rate of success of Invisalign

There are quite a number of reasons that contribute to higher rate of success for Invisalign aligner trays. The factors include the following –

  • Comprehensive customisation – Every single Invisalign treatment plan is carefully tailored to meet precise needs of a patient.
  • Higher comfort level – Invisalign trays, inlike conventional braces, are made from absolutely smooth, high quality, medical grade thermoplastic. As a result the range of appliances is much softer on your gums as well as other soft tissues in your mouth.
  • Greater ease – Unlike the fixed braces Invisalign clear aligners are easily removable. Maintaining optimum oral hygiene is not any issue for these patients. There is also no dietary restriction when you are on Invisalign. 
  • More precise control – The cutting-edge Invisalign technology provides greater and precise control on the movement of your teeth and it moves teeth with great accuracy. It is also important mentioning that Invisalign makes use of a special feature called Smart force Technology. As a result the clear plastic aligners exert specific force on your teeth at specific times during the treatment. 
  • Unbelievable discreetness – The Smile Clinic London, Invisalign London has a great success rate in handling Invisalign discount London, UK cases. Dentists working at this widely trusted oral health practice assure Invisalign keeps your treatment absolutely discreet and shifts your teeth a little at a time.